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Chapter 4.1-4.2 Preventive Maintenance, Error Codes

Quiz by soh kok siong

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6 questions
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  • Q1

    It is important to perform regular preventive maintenance because it reduces potential hardware and software problems, computer downtime, repair costs, and the number of equipment failures.

    It also improves data protection, equipment life and stability, and eventually saves money over the long run.

    True or False
  • Q2

    Which of the following will not help to ensure optimal computer operating performance.

    Keep the humidity level between 10 and 80 percent

    Keep the room temperature between 45 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 32 degrees Celsius)

    Do not obstruct vents or airflow to the internal components

    Using computers below altitude of 3000 meters sea level

  • Q3

    Is it ok to clean your laptop with alcohol or solutions that contain ammonia?

    True or False
  • Q4

    Which of the following is not a possible event that will happen if POST (power-onself-test) fails?

    System will keep restarting on its own

    Non-common beep sounds will be generated

    System will halt the loading of the Operating System

    System will proceed the loading of the Operating System

  • Q5

    For POST(power-onself-test) error codes/Beeping sounds, Different BIOS manufacturers design their BIOS differently and it is important to refer to the manufacturer's website of the POST beep code list.

    True or False
  • Q6

    Which of the following does not help with gathering information from the customer for to identify the system, user or software information problem?

    Bios Information

    Device Manager

    Customer User id and Password

    Event Viewer log


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