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Chapters 11-13

Quiz by Jill Simmons

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30 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following did all of the explorers have in common:
    They all wanted to find the best route to Asia.
    They all sailed to the Americas
    They all failed in route to their destination.
    They all sailed around the world.
  • Q2
    Which of the following was motivation for the explorers to go on their routes:
    They wanted to trade with the natives.
    They wanted to make alliances with North Africa.
    They wanted to convert people to Christianity.
    They wanted to discover new technology.
  • Q3
    Which of the following was one of the errors that Christopher Columbus made on his voyage:
    The King and Queen of Italy would not fund him.
    He did not know that North and South America were in the way.
    His ship was full of rats, carrying the Black Death.
    He ran out of ships to sail to the New World.
  • Q4
    Spanish explorers and soldiers who conquered territory were known as _______________.
    Spanish Guards
    Spanish Explorers
    Spanish Indulgences
  • Q5
    Which of the following was the most helpful in Cortes's conquer of the Aztecs:
    The interpreter was helping the Aztecs.
    The Aztecs caught the Black Death.
    Montezuma fell ill.
    There were Aztec people who were dissatisfied with the Aztec way of life.
  • Q6
    What was the biggest reason why the Aztecs lost the battle with the Conquistadors?
    The conquistadors gave the Aztecs smallpox.
    The Aztecs had never been in battle before.
    The Aztecs did not have weapons.
    The Conquistadors had been lifting weights.
  • Q7
    Who conquered the Incas?
    Vasco Da Gama
    Fransico Pizzaro
    Hernando Cortes
    Christopher Columbus
  • Q8
    How did Pizzaro conquer the Incas?
    Pizzaro had cannons.
    The Incas did not have weapons.
    Pizzaro had more soldiers.
    The Incas contracted smallpox.
  • Q9
    Which of the following would be a part of the Columbian Exchange?
    The rebuilding of Tenochtitlan.
    The Renaissance
    The Slave Trade
  • Q10
    Which of the following would be a RESULT of the Columbian Exchange:
    There are more explorers looking for land to claim.
    North and South America became very diverse
    There are more Kings and Queens wanting to rule the Americas.
    There is less exploration.
  • Q11
    What did Martin Luther feel that the Catholic Church put more importance on than saving souls?
    Converting Muslims
    Raising money
    Sending missionaries to other countries
    Writing books
  • Q12
    Who developed the idea of Predestination:
    William Tyndale
    John Calvin
    Martin Luther
    John Wycliffe
  • Q13
    A government ruled by religious leaders:
  • Q14
    Which two men can be credited for translating the Bible into the English language:
    John Calvin and William Tyndale
    William Tyndale and John Wycliffe
    Billy Graham and Martin Luther
    Martin Luther and John Wycliffe
  • Q15
    Which of the following is a difference in thought by the Catholic Church and Martin Luther:
    Catholic’s believe in faith only salvation. Luther said you must have works and faith.
    Catholic priests believe they should interpret the Bible and Luther said individuals should interpret it for themselves.
    Catholic’s believe the Bible is the only source of truth. Luthern’s believe that the Church and Bible are the sources of truth.

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