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Quiz by Cinco Delgado

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    What is characterization?
    A method an author uses to create a character.
    A method an author uses to create character thoughts.
    A method an author uses to create character actions.
    A method an author uses to create suspense.
  • Q2
    What are the sic elements of characterization?
    How the character interacts with others, and what the character does, says, feels, and thinks.
    How the character interacts with others, and what the character looks like, thinks, does, and feels.
    How the character interacts with others and what the character thinks, feels, and looks like.
    How a character interacts with others, and what the character does, thinks, says, feels, and looks like.
  • Q3
    Which thinking skill is crucial for analyzing a character?
    Problem Solving
  • Q4
    Analyzing a character can help a reader determine this in a story.
    The beginning
    The writing style
    The setting
    The theme
  • Q5
    According to the presentation, what is the question a reader needs to ask to determine the author's purpose?
    How does the character communicate the author's purpose through his or her feelings, actions, and thoughts.
    What does what the author's purpose relate to what the character looks like, and is doing in the story?
    How does what a character look like, and is saying, thinking, feeling, and doing inform me about the author's purpose for writing the text?
  • Q6
    What are points of decisions?
    Decisions that the characters make that only reveal who the character is.
    Decisions that the characters make that impact the theme, plot, and setting of a story.
    Things that the characters say that impact the story.
  • Q7
    What are the benefits of character analysis?
    It gives a reader an understanding of what the author is trying to accomplish through the writing and use of ideas and content.
    It gives a reader an understanding of what the author is writing by allowing the reader to become the characters and to live through each experience.
    It gives insight to the author's theme, purpose, and insight into how people in real life respond to similar situations, as well as supporting a reader with comprehending a text.

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