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Chemical Equilibrium

Quiz by Kaitlyn Ostrov

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    A chemical reaction must be ______ in order to reach dynamic equilibrium.
  • Q2
    A reaction reaches equilibrium when ______.
    the amount of reactants & products is equal
    the reaction stops occuring
    the amount of reactants & products stops forming
    the amount of reactants & products stops changing
  • Q3
    Why do the amount of reactants & products stop changing when the reaction reaches equilibrium?
    the rate of the reverse reaction is greater than the rate of the forward reaction
    the reaction stops occuring
    the rate of the forward & reverse reactions become equal
    the reactants run out
  • Q4
    What does "dynamic" mean in terms of dynamic equilibrium?
    the forward & reverse reaction are a dynamic duo
    the concentration is staying the same
    the reaction appears to be still
    the reaction is still occurring and chemicals are continuing to change
  • Q5
    What does Le Châtelier’s principle mean?
    the system will shift to restore equilibrium if a disturbance is introduced
    the reaction's equilibrium is disturbed and it will never be restored
    the reaction is at equilibrium
    girls with dead squirrels scare the guys away
  • Q6
    Which of the following could be an example of a disturbance to equilibrium?
    adding more chemicals to the system
    recording the volume of the products

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