Choose the school rules based on the pictures given.
Quiz by Nazaatul Sahira
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10 questions
Show answers
- Q1What is the school rule?Raise your hand before you speakNo fighting30s
- Q2What is the school rule?Throw rubbish everywherePut rubbish in the bin20s
- Q3What is the school rule?Keep quiet while teacher is talkingNo fighting20s
- Q4What is the school rule?Respect your friends and teacherRaise your hand before you speak20s
- Q5What is the school rule?Put rubbish in the binKeep quiet while teacher is talking20s
- Q6What is the school rule?Be on time to schoolKeep hands to yourself20s
- Q7What is the school rule?No eating classNo fighting20s
- Q8What is the school ruleBe on time to schoolWear school uniform20s
- Q9What is the school rule?Touch someone belongingsKeep hands to yourself20s
- Q10What is the rule?Talk while teacher is teachingNo cellphone20s