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Chumash Review Perek Beis 1-10

Quiz by sholom

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33 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following is the BEST title for פסוק א?
    Levi man married Levi woman
    Yocheved had a miracle
    עמרם remarries Yocheved
    Moshe's parents
  • Q2
    Which of the following is the best title for פסוק ח-ט?
    Yocheved gets paid
    Moshe grows up
    Miriam has a plan
    Yocheved gets Moshe back!
  • Q3
    What is the main idea of פסוק ו?
    Moshe is crying
    Batya opens the basket and discovers Moshe
    Moshe is very mature
    Batya sees the Shechina
  • Q4
    Which of the following is the main idea of פסוק א-ד?
    Moshe is placed in the Nile
    The house lit up
    Yocheved couldn't hide Moshe
    Moshe is born
  • Q5
    Who is the referent of ותאמר לה in פסוק ט? the לה!!!!
  • Q6
    The referent of ויקח in פסוק א is...
  • Q7
    Who is the referent of אתו in פסוק ב?
  • Q8
    Who is the referent of ותתצב in פסוק ד?
  • Q9
    Which of the following is in correct order?
    Amram marries yocheved then פרעה decrees that Jewish boys should be thrown in Nile then פרעה decrees that midwives should kill Jewish boys at birth then Amram remarries Yocheved then Moshe is born and then פרעה decrees that all babies should be killed.
    Amram marries yocheved then פרעה decrees that all babies should be killed then Amram remarries Yocheved then Moshe is born and then he decrees that midwives should kill the Jewish boys.
    פרעה decrees that midwives should kill Jewish boys then Amram marries Yocheved then midwives are rewarded then Moshe is born and then פרעה decrees that all babies should be killed.
    Amram marries yocheved then פרעה decrees that midwives should kill the Jewish boys then Amram remarries Yocheved then Moshe is born and then פרעה decrees that all babies should be killed.
  • Q10
    Which of the following is in correct order?
    1 Moshe is born 2 House lit up 3 He stays for three months 4 Moshe is placed in the Nile
    1 Moshe is born 2 House lit up 3 Batya goes down to bathe 4 Moshe is placed in the Nile
    1 Aharon is born 2 Moshe is found 3 He stays for three months 4 Moshe is placed in the Nile
    1 Moshe is born 2 House lit up 3 He is placed in the marsh 4 Moshe is placed in the basket
  • Q11
    Which of the following is in correct order?
    Amram remarries Yocheved. They have two kids. Moshe is born. House fills with light. She hides him for three months.
    Amram marries Yocheved. They have two kids. They get divorced. They remarry. Moshe is born. House fills with light. She places him in a basket .She hides him for three months.
    Amram marries Yocheved. They have two kids. They get divorced. They remarry. Moshe is born. She hides him for three months. House fills with light. She places him in basket.
    Amram marries Yocheved. They have two kids. They get divorced. They remarry. Moshe is born. House fills with light. She hides him for three months.
  • Q12
    Why did פרעה make a decree against all his people? (Rashi)
    Astrologers said redeemer has been born. We don't know if he is Jewish or not.
    He hated Jews and so he threw them in the Nile.
    The decree was only for the Jews.
    So Jews wouldn't catch on to his plan.
  • Q13
    What does Rashi explain on ויקח את בת לוי? (Best answer)
    They remarried.
    She was 80. She became young again.
    They remarried. She was 130. She became young again.
    They remarried because of Miriam. She was 130. She became young again.
  • Q14
    What happened when Moshe was born? (Rashi)
    The basket filled with light
    Moshe was born healthy
    The house was good
    The whole house filled with light
  • Q15
    How did Yocheved make the basket?
    Pitch on outside only. Nothing on the inside.
    Pitch on the outside and clay on the inside.
    Clay on the outside and pitch on the inside.
    Clay on the inside only. Nothing on the outside.

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