"Civil Disobedience" Section 1
Quiz by Sarah Wilkinson
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- Q1
Civil Disobedience means the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest. Standing up for one’s rights without violence.
truefalseTrue or False45s - Q2
What answer best represents Thoreau's values and beliefs?
He believed that slavery was what the country needed to expand and generate money.
That voting solves any argument in the nation.
The government should govern more and be more involved.
He believed that the government needs to understand when to step aside and letting the majority stand for their values/ beliefs without the government dictating what they should and should not do, believe, or have opinion on. He believes that the individual has a right to disagree with its government through civil disobedience.
45s - Q3
The theme is NOT letting people decide their fate; LET OTHERS dictate their will onto others.
falsetrueTrue or False45s - Q4
How were the soldiers seen as at this time?
They were seen as collateral damage for what the government wanted to achieve; just puppets on a string.
Soldiers were treated fairly and their lives mattered.
Thoreau never mentions the rights of soldiers.
None of the above.
45s - Q5
How does Thoreau view voting?
Voting solves the issues that are presented in the country at the time.
Voting is not discussed in the Thoreau's novel.
None of the above.
Voting is pointless if those who are affected by certain laws cannot vote for their rights unless someone petitions for them (ex. Slaves cannot vote for their rights; therefore, abolition seemed impossible.)