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Civil Rights and Conservatism

Quiz by Laboy, Omar

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  • Q1

    What name refers to the era in Texas history that lasted from 1945 to 1980?

    Age of Oil

    Texas in the Great Depression and World War II

    Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads

    Civil Rights and Conservatism

  • Q2

    Which goal was the original mission of the League of United Latin American Citizens?

    Improve relations with nations of Central and South America

    Support the rights of Spanish-speaking people

    Campaign for the elimination of immigration quotas

    Argue for new laws that improve factory conditions

  • Q3

    Which of the following is a civic responsibility of Texas citizens?

    Voting for public officials

    Taking a vacation

    Participating in a protest march

    Buying a car

  • Q4

    Why is freedom of the press essential to an effective democratic government in Texas?

    A free press monitors government actions for corruption and mismanagement.

    A free press is a critical tool to distribute commercial advertising.

    A free press contributes to diplomacy between Texas and other states.

    A free press employs a large segment of the population.

  • Q5

    Which president pushed through the passage of major civil rights legislation?

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Lyndon B. Johnson

    John F. Kennedy

  • Q6

    What major goal did the Johnson Space Center achieve in 1969?

    orchestrating a space walk

    launching America's first space shuttle mission

    launching an artificial satellite

    landing an American on the moon

  • Q7

    What factors significantly increased crop yields in Texas following World War II?

    small farms and family farms

    farm machinery and irrigation

    migrant workers from various countries

    feed lots

  • Q8

    Why did James L. Farmer, Jr. organize the Freedom Rides?

    to protest local laws that forced African Americans to sit in the back of the bus

    to force the government to enforce the desegregation of interstate buses

    to reunite African Americans with their relatives in other states

    to challenge labor laws that discriminated against African American bus drivers

  • Q9

    Which of the following is a civic responsibility of Texas citizens?

    To obtain a driver's license

    To serve on a jury

    To enlist in the military

    To shop at local businesses

  • Q10

    Differences between the goals of liberals and conservatives led to a division in whichpolitical group?


    Texas Women's Political Caucus

    the Republican Party

    the Democratic Party

  • Q11

    Which Supreme Court ruling forced schools across the country to begin to integrate racially?

    Plessy v. Ferguson

    Brown v. Board of Education

    Sweatt v. Painter

    Smith v. Allwrigh

  • Q12

    Who founded the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)?

    James L. Farmer, Jr.

    Lyndon B. Johnson

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Lulu Belle Madison White

  • Q13

    What amendment approved in 1972 granted Texas women the same rights as men?

    Texas Women's Rights Amendment

    Texas Fair Rights Amendment

    Texas Civil Rights Amendment

    Texas Equal Rights Amendment

  • Q14

    How do the actions of Hector Garcia characterize the age of Civil Rights and Conservatism?

    His founding of the American G.I. Forum led to expanded rights and liberties for Hispanic Americans.

    His actions as the U.S. Postmaster General led to greater diversity and recognition of ethnic groups and women on stamps.

    His introduction of numerous education bills to Congress led to expanded educational opportunities for minorities.

    His long service as leader of the Republican Party in Texas led to an expansion of conservatism in government.

  • Q15

    What was the relationship between Lyndon B. Johnson and the civil rights movement?

    He professed to care about civil rights, but did not want to risk alienating his conservative voter base.

    He pushed for the re-segregation of Texas's public schools.

    He largely ignored the movement, preferring to focus on the economy and foreign policy.

    He worked hard to win the passage of civil rights legislation, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


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