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Civil War and Gettysburg

Quiz by Jonathan Medina

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15 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a Civil War?
    war within a country
    a revolution
    war between three countries
    war between two countries
  • Q2
    What was the main cause of the American Civil War?
    Question Image
    Debate over the Transatlantic Slave Trade
    Debate over whether there should be three countries-North, South and West.
    Debate over slavery in new states/territories
    Debate over Virginia's Rights
  • Q3
    What was the main platform of the Republican Party?
    Question Image
    outlaw slavery in all states and territories
    Support states' rights
    Support the extension of slavery
    Stop the spread of slavery to new states/territories
  • Q4
    Who was the Republican candidate for president in 1860?
    Question Image
    B. Frank
    Honest Abe
    G Dubs
  • Q5
    What was the immediate result of Lincoln winning the 1860 election (with only Northern states)?
    11 states seceded
    The seven states in the Deep South seceded.
    all of the union seceded
    Lincoln governed the entire country in peace
  • Q6
    What decision to Lincoln make?
    Go to war to save the union
    Go to war with Britain
    Let the union go
    Let the Confederate States go
  • Q7
    The Southern states that seceded became known as the
    United States
    Slave States
    Foundational States
  • Q8
    Before Gettysburg, the Confederate States had the momentum after ______.
    winning battles at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville
    winning the Revolutionary War
    winning Gettysburg
    winning the Civil War
  • Q9
    The Confederate and Union armies met at Gettysburg because of __________.
    Question Image
    states' rights
    the area road system
  • Q10
    The Battle of Gettysburg was the last ____________.
    one standing
    major battle in the North.
    battle in general
    winning battle for the Confederacy
  • Q11
    The Battle of Gettysburg ________.
    Question Image
    had the most casualties (deaths and injuries) of any battle in the war.
    was the turning point for the South.
    ensured victory for the Union.
    had the least casualties
  • Q12
    Overall the battle lasted for _________.
    a week
    five days
    three days
    a month
  • Q13
    Who were the main generals in the war?
    Question Image
    Ambrose Burnside and Benedict Arnold
    George Washington and Charles Cornwallis
    George Meade (Union) and Robert E. Lee (Confederacy)
    George Patton and Erwin Rommel
  • Q14
    Who won the battle?
  • Q15
    Several months after the battle, _______ delivered a 272 word commemoration speech indicating the importance of the battle.
    George Meade
    President Andrew Johnson
    President Abraham Lincoln
    George Custer

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