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CJ 350 Ch. 03

Quiz by Hyoungah Park

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16 questions
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  • Q1
    The Code of Ethics of ACJS sets forth (1) general principles and (2) ethical standards that underlie members of the academy's professional responsibilities and conduct, along with the (3) policies and procedures for enforcing those principles and standards; membership in the ACJS commits individual members to adhere to the ACJS Code of Ethics in determining ethical behavior in the context of their everyday professional activities
    Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Code of Ethics
  • Q2
    A 1979 National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research report that established three basic ethical principles for the protection of human subjects, including respect for persons, beneficence, and justice
    Belmont Report
  • Q3
    Minimizing possible harms and maximizing benefits in research
  • Q4
    National Institutes of Health document that protects researchers from being legally required to disclose confidential information
    Certificate of Confidentiality
  • Q5
    A researcher's informing of subjects after an experiment about the experiment's purposes and methods and evaluating subjects' personal reactions to the experiment
  • Q6
    Used in social experiments to create more "realistic" treatments in which the true purpose of the research is not disclosed to participants, often within the confines of a laboratory
  • Q7
    Federal regulations established in 1991 that are based on the principles of the Belmont Report
    Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (Common Rule)
  • Q8
    Human subjects in research must be able to voluntarily consent to participate
    Informed Consent
  • Q9
    A group of organizational and community representatives required by federal law to review the ethical issues in all proposed research that is federally funded, involves human subjects, or has any potential for harm to subjects
    Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Q10
    Distributing benefits and risks of research fairly
    Justice (in Research)
  • Q11
    Court trials that exposed horrific medical experiments conducted by Nazi doctors and others in the name of science
    Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
  • Q12
    A two-week experiment that simulated the prison life of both prisoners and guards that was ended in just six days because of what the simulation was doing to college students who participated
    Philip Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment
  • Q13
    National Institute of Justice document that protects researchers from being legally required to disclose confidential information
    Privacy Certificate
  • Q14
    Treating persons as autonomous agents and protecting those with diminished autonomy
    Respect for Persons
  • Q15
    Experiments by Stanley Milgram that sought to identify the conditions under which ordinary citizens would be obedient to authority figures' instructions to inflict pain on others
    Stanley Milgram's Experiments on Obedience to Authority

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