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Claims and Supporting Evidence

Quiz by Melanie Mahon

Grade 8
English Language Arts
Common Core

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a claim?
    A type of food
    A statement made to support or prove a point
    A scientific experiment
    A legal document
  • Q2
    What is supporting evidence?
    Opinions or personal beliefs
    Facts, statistics, examples, or quotes that prove or strengthen a claim
    Visual aids or illustrations
    Stories or anecdotes
  • Q3
    Why is it important to cite your sources?
    To impress your teacher
    To make your claim stronger
    To show off your knowledge
    So others won't think you just made it up and it can be verified as a reliable source
  • Q4
    What connects a claim and evidence?
  • Q5
    What is the purpose of citing your sources?
    To show off
    To confuse your readers
    To make your claim longer
    To add credibility to your claim
  • Q6
    Identify the best example of a claim that could be supported with logical reasoning and relevant evidence.
    I don't like doing homework
    Pizza is the best food
    Cats are better than dogs
    There should be more after-school programs for students
  • Q7
    Which of the following would count as credible sources to support a claim in an argumentative essay?
    A post on social media
    Academic journals and government reports
    A personal blog post
    A comment on a forum
  • Q8
    What is the importance of using accurate, credible sources when presenting your claims?
    They make your essay longer
    They make your essay easier to read
    They make your work more colorful
    They make your arguments more persuasive and reliable

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