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Classroom Orientation Quiz

Quiz by Matt Lundin

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6 questions
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  • Q1

    Where will the Syllabus be available? 

    Users sort answers between categories
  • Q2

    Where do I turn in worksheets to be graded?

    Just hand them to Dr. Lundin

    Red bins at the back of the room

    Wire basket at the window

  • Q3

    Where can I find extra worksheets for the CURRENT material?

    They are in the file cabinet. Each class has a drawer.

    Grey paper holder on the cabinet, labeled by class period.

  • Q4

    I am missing an assignment, where can I find it?

    In the file cabinet. They will be filed on a weekly basis.

    In the grey paper holders.

  • Q5

    Where can I find my graded assignments?

    They will be in the file cabinet. Each class has their own labeled drawer. I will have my own folder.

    Dr. Lundin just throws them out.

  • Q6

    Cell Phones can be used at any time in class.

    True or False

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