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Classroom Procedure Review

Quiz by Linda Johnson

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Where can you find missing work if you were absent?
    In the manilla folders by the door
    On Ms. Johnson's desk
    I don't know
    I am not responsible for work I missed
  • Q2
    If you do not have your homework ready to turn in on Friday, what should you do?
    Grab a missing work log at the front of the room, fill out the top only and give to Ms. Johnson
    Grab a new homework sheet, write my name on it and turn it in blank
    I am not responsible for not turning in assignments
    I don't know
  • Q3
    If you turn in your homework late, how many points does Ms. Johnson take off per day?
    It doesn't matter I will not turn it in anyway
    I don't know
  • Q4
    Before I leave Ms. Johnson's class, I should...
    Leave my homework sheet on my desk so I can ask for a new one tomorrow.
    I don't know
    Run out of the room as quickly as possible. I'm free!
    Check my area for trash, put all supplies back in the supply boxes and push my chair in
  • Q5
    Before I begin cutting a foldable, I should...
    wait for Ms. Johnson to give instructions on how to cut it
    I don't know
    It's a race, be the first to get done!
    Start cutting immediately, I can ask her how to do it later
  • Q6
    When I enter Ms. Johnson's classroom, I will immediately...
    I don't know
    Begin my warm up
    Ask Ms. Johnson what we're doing today
    Circle the classroom and talk to my friends
  • Q7
    If I am having trouble completing an assignment, I should...
    Don't finish the assignment, go run in the woods
    Complain that it's too hard
    I don't know
    Email Ms. Johnson and explain the problem
  • Q8
    If I come to class without a pen/pencil, I can get one...
    Off Ms. Johnson's desk
    Out of one of the blue containers on the wooden shelf
    I don't need one, I will just do nothing until class is over
    I don't know
  • Q9
    If I am absent and missed a graded assignment...
    I will just take a zero for it
    I don't know
    I should wait for Ms. Johnson to mention it
    It is my responsibility to talk to Ms. Johnson about when to make it up/turn it in
  • Q10
    If Ms. Johnson asks a question, I should...
    Raise my hand and wait to be called out
    Just say the first thing that comes to my mind
    Blurt out the answer immediately
    I don't know, I wasn't paying attention

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