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Classroom Rules and Procedures

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    What do you do when you need to use the restroom?
    ask teacher
    raise your hand
    raise hand and use sign language "r"
    just get up and leave the room
  • Q2
    What do you do when you come in late?
    sit down and start working
    complain about forgetting supplies
    sign the tardy sheet by door
    come in and announce to the class why you were late
  • Q3
    What is the first thing you do upon entering the classroom?
    Begin warm-ups or assignments on the board
    wait for teacher instructions
    walk around the room and talk to your friends
    sit down and talk to neighbors
  • Q4
    What do you do when you have completed a test/quiz?
    keep test/quiz at desk
    Turn in to tray, return to seat and remain quiet
    announce to class "I am done!"
    start talking to other students who are finished
  • Q5
    During class discussion, what is one thing you should NOT do?
    wait to be called on by teacher
    make fun of another student's question/comment
    wait to talk in groups until all instructions have been given
    ask questions for any needed clarification
  • Q6
    Which one of the following is NOT required on your paper heading?
    time you did assignmennt
    assignment (page number and problem numbers)
  • Q7
    When Chromebooks are not in use, how should they look?
    lids closed
    on floor
    lids open
    students working on them
  • Q8
    Where should your water bottle be at all times during class?
    in backpack
    on floor by chair
    rolling around on floor
    on table
  • Q9
    What should you do if a visitor walks in the room?
    ask "who/why are you here?"
    get up and go to visitor
    announce to class someone has entered the room
    continue working and teacher will address the visitor
  • Q10
    At the end of class, what should each student do?
    pick up any trash around your area
    put all supplies up
    all of the above
    push chair in
  • Q11
    What should you bring to class with you?
    kitchen sink
    pencil, notebook, chromebook/textbook, your Renweb
    notebook, snack, toys
  • Q12
    What do you NOT do when you are absent
    ask for makeup work the next day you are back in class
    email teacher and ask for any assignments
    wait for the teacher to bring any missing work to you
    turn an any work you have for previous day
  • Q13
    What 'teacher sign' does the use to get students attention?
    ask quiet students to tell talking students to BE QUIET!!!!
    tell students to shut up
    stomp feet
    "5-4-3-2-1-0' countdown
  • Q14
    If you have a question during instruction time, what do you do?
    raise hand to get teacher's attention
    ask student across the room your question
    raise hand and say "teacher, teacher, teacher"!!
    blurt out your question
  • Q15
    When handing back graded papers, what should you do?
    look over grade, errors, and check for grade accuracy
    look at other students grades and shout it out
    announce grade to the class
    start complaining about your grade while teacher is still passing out papers

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