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CM4 Quiz April 5

Quiz by Customs Administration

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    The application to operate a CBW, including applications for accreditation as a member,  subcontractor or client-exporter of an existing warehouse, shall be filed with the  __________________ where the CBW is located, describing the premises, location, capacity, and purpose of such establishment. 

    District Collector 

    Sub – contractor



  • Q2

    Under CAO 1-2009, In the evaluation of the application for establishment or renewal of Authority to operate a  customs bonded warehouse, which of the following is not one of the tasks which the District  Collector shall do? 

    Recommend to the Commissioner the approval of the application upon compliance with  all the requirements 

    Determine the completeness of the documents submitted in support of the application

     Evaluate and review the documents including the physical inspection report 

    Cause the conduct of physical inspection and taking of photographs of the premises

  • Q3

    Under Section 5.1.10, Records of Appeal, the District Collector shall forward the complete records of the application to the Commissioner within how many days from receipt of the appeal?

    9 days 

     30 days 

    7 days 

    5 days

  • Q4

    Under Section 5.1.13., Appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA), the decision of the Commissioner  denying the application for establishment or renewal of authority to operate may be appealed to  the CTA within how many days from receipt of the decision? 

    30 days

    5 days

    9 days 

    7 days 

  • Q5

    Under Section 5.1.16, Post Approval Requirements, CBWs granted Authority to Operate shall  submit ___________ their ITRs duly filed with the BIR, CTC of Mayors’ Permit, Audited Financial  Statement, Export and Import Performance, and Year-end Stock Inventory Report. Non submission of these requirements is a ground for the suspension or cessation of operations of the  CBW. 





  • Q6

    Non-filing the Renewal of Authority to Operate, within the prescribed period shall cause the  imposition of _________, which may take the form of fines, suspension, or revocation of the  Authority to Operate, as may be warranted





  • Q7

    The _______ Operator may introduce structural changes or additional facilities in the CBWs  provided that the ingress and egress or the physical security feature of the CBW shall not be  altered or compromised





  • Q8

    The CBW Operator shall file the application with the _____________ prior to the introduction of  any structural changes or additional facilities.  In case the applicant is already a BOC accredited _________, the BOC Certificate of Accreditation  shall be submitted together with the application.

    District Collector; Importer

    Operator; Sub – contractor

    District Collector; Exporter

     Commissioner; Sub – contractor

  • Q9

    Under Section 5.4.2, Post Application Requirements, upon submission of application for renewal  of Authority to Operate, who shall secure the required Inspection Report, Clearances or Certificate  of No Accountability of the CBW to be issued by the Bureau?

    Sub – Contractor



    District Collector

  • Q10

    Under Section 5.1.7, Action by the Commissioner, the Commissioner shall act on the recommendation of the District Collector within how many working days from receipt of the recommendation?  Meantime, under Section 5.3, Filing of Application for Renewal of Authority to Operate CBW, the application  for renewal of Authority to Operate a CBW shall be filed not later than how many days but not  earlier than one hundred twenty (120) days before its expiration. 

    5 days ; 30 days

    9 days ; 30 days

    30 days ; 90 days

    7 days ; 5 days


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