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Cold War (B)

Quiz by Leslie Schaffer

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  • Q1
    Since World War II, relations between the Soviet Union and the United States have been marked by
    reliance on international peace organizations to solve disputes
    conflicts where the superpowers supported opposing sides, but did not confront each other directly
    refusal to negotiate on any issues
    slow but steady decreases in military forces and armaments
  • Q2
    "I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way. I believe that our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid...." --Harry Truman The recommendation made in this quotation resulted from the United States need to
    justify the withdrawal of United States forces from Korea
    prepare for World War I
    oppose communist expansion during the early post-World War II period
    fight Nazi aggression in 1941
  • Q3
    The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to provide Europe with
    defense military weapons
    economic aid
    political alliances
    cultural exchange programs
  • Q4
    The "domino theory", popular in the 1950's and 1960's, assumed the expansion of
    South African apartheid into African nations
    Soviet influence into China
    totalitarianism throughout Latin America
    communism into Southeast Asia
  • Q5
    When President Dwight D. Eisenhower said "If you knock down the first of a row of dominoes, all the others will fall in quick order," he was expressing a view that led to
    less restrictive immigration policies toward Africa and Latin America
    the end of colonialism in Africa
    stronger support for United States involvement in Southeast Asia
    decreased foreign aid to Western Europe
  • Q6
    The United States began a trade embargo against Cuba in the 1960s to
    encourage political change in Cuba
    end the domination of the banana industry by Cuba
    motivate Cubans to immigrate to the United States
    promote domestic industries in Cuba
  • Q7
    Base your answer to the following question on the newspaper article below and on your knowledge of social studies. President Kennedy responded to warnings like this by
    Question Image
    asking Congress to fund the Hubble telescope
    joining the Soviet Union in building a space station
    pledging to put a man on the Moon within a decade
    promising to explore Mars and other nearby planets
  • Q8
    Immediately after World War II, a main cause of the development of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union was
    the placing of missiles in Cuba by the Soviet Union
    Soviet dominance over Eastern European nations
    United States military actions in the Baltic Sea
    Soviet desire to enter the war against Japan in 1945
  • Q9
    Which statement about the Cuban missile crisis (1962) is most accurate?
    The Communist government in Cuba was overthrown.
    The crisis brought the two major world powers very close to war.
    The crisis showed that the United States and the Soviet Union could agree on total disarmament.
    The United States wanted to establish missile sites in Cuban territory.
  • Q10
    The term "McCarthyism" has come to symbolize
    attempts to encourage totalitarian dictatorships
    the protection of the constitutional rights of accused persons
    integration in public education
    unfounded accusations of disloyalty and a climate of fear
  • Q11
    The Red Scare and McCarthyism were similar in that both
    supported United States foreign aid programs
    promoted economic development
    advocated the development of the arts and sciences
    encouraged nativist ideas
  • Q12
    President John F. Kennedy's most significant foreign policy failure involved the
    invasion at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba
    sending of troops to Berlin
    signing of a nuclear test-ban treaty
    development of the Peace Corps
  • Q13
    President John F. Kennedy attempted to deal with the situation shown on the map by
    Question Image
    landing an invasion force on the Cuban mainland
    bombing all the missile sites simultaneously
    imposing a naval blockade to isolate Cuba from the Soviet Union
    allowing the Soviet Union to keep some missiles in Cuba if the remainder were removed
  • Q14
    For the United States, one similarity between the Korean War and the Vietnam war is that during both wars
    Presidential wartime powers were expanded
    the domestic economy was not a affected by the costs of supporting the wars
    there was little public controversy concerning United States participation in the wars
    United States forces successfully contained communist expansion
  • Q15
    Which statement about the United States involvement in the Vietnam War is accurate?
    It was due exclusively to the actions of President Lyndon Johnson's administration.
    It was based on the Open Door Policy.
    It came about only after a formal declaration of war.
    It reflected the belief in containment that followed World War II.

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