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Colonial Life

Quiz by John Heeg

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13 questions
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  • Q1
    What affect did the Enlightenment have on life in the colonies in the 1700’s?
    Scientists began to rely on religion for scientific answers
    Many colonists began to use reason and logic to improve their society
    Southern Colonies started public schools
    The colonies experienced a religious revival
  • Q2
    Which of the following was a religious movement in the 13 Colonies where people were encouraged to challenge authority and break away from their churches?
    The Enlightenment
    The Glorious Revolution
    The Great Awakening
    The Great Migration
  • Q3
    How were class differences among the people in the colonies reflected in the education of children?
    Children of wealthy families could afford to attend private schools
    Children or poor families had tutors come to their homes
    Poor families in the Southern Colonies sent their children to public schools
    Wealthy families in New England sent their children to schools in England
  • Q4
    How was Benjamin Franklin a model of the Enlightenment spirit?
    He published stories that criticized the governor’s actions
    He helped start the Great Awakening
    He used reason and logic to create many invention that improved the world
    He started the first college in England
  • Q5
    What was one difference between slaves and indentured servants in the colonies?
    Indentured servants were treated as property
    Slaves received their freedom after a set amount of time
    Indentured servant received their freedom after a set amount of time
    Slaves had many rights and indentured servants did not
  • Q6
    The horrific journey that slaves took to the 13 Colonies was known as the…
    Northern Passage
    Northwest Passage
    Southern Passage
    Middle Passage
  • Q7
    Which was NOT a requirement to vote in the colonies?
    Owning property
    Having children
    Being over 21 years of age
    Being a male
  • Q8
    What was the main purpose of colonial legislatures?
    To sentence convicted criminals to jail
    To make laws
    To elect the governor
    To take land away from Native Americans
  • Q9
    Which of the following was NOT a social class in the colonies?
    Middle Class
    Indentured Servants
  • Q10
    Who benefited the most from the Navigation Acts
    The Colonies
  • Q11
    Which of the following had the least amount of freedom in the colonies and was considered property?
    Indentured servants
  • Q12
    Who was known as the model of the Enlightenment in the 13 Colonies because he sought to improve society?
    John Adams
    Benjamin Franklin
    Thomas Jefferson
    George Washington
  • Q13
    What type of government did MOST of the 13 Colonies have?
    Direct Democarcy
    They did not have a government
    Representative Democracy

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