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Comma Rules One

Quiz by Heather Renshaw

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18 questions
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  • Q1
    Identify the rule that would fix the comma errors in this sentence: I went to the store to buy a bag of chips a can of soda and a box of Twinkies.
    Three or more items in a list should be separated by commas.
    When a speaker addresses someone by name, which is called a “direct address,” the name should have commas around it.
    When an address or location is written out, there should be a comma after the street name, after the city, and after the state if the sentence continues afterwards.
    “Equal adjectives” should be separated with a comma.
  • Q2
    Identify the rule that would fix the comma errors in this sentence: The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is located at 1100 Rock and Roll Boulevard Cleveland Ohio.
    When a speaker addresses someone by name, which is called a “direct address,” the name should have commas around it.
    Three or more items in a list should be separated by commas.
    When an address or location is written out, there should be a comma after the street name, after the city, and after the state if the sentence continues afterwards.
    When a full date is written out, there should be a comma between the day and the year, as well as after the year if the sentence continues afterwards.
  • Q3
    Identify the rule that would fix the comma errors in this sentence: Listen Hilary you can’t talk about my sister like that.
    Three or more items in a list should be separated by commas.
    When an address or location is written out, there should be a comma after the street name, after the city, and after the state if the sentence continues afterwards.
    When a speaker addresses someone by name, which is called a “direct address,” the name should have commas around it.
    When a full date is written out, there should be a comma between the day and the year, as well as after the year if the sentence continues afterwards.
  • Q4
    Identify the rule that would fix the comma errors in this sentence: I plan on having a house by the beach by June 30 2026 which will be my fifty-fifth birthday.
    Three or more items in a list should be separated by commas.
    Equal adjectives should be separated by a comma.
    When addressing a person directly, commas should be placed both before and after the name.
    When a full date is written out, there should be commas after the day, year, and after the year if the sentence continues.
  • Q5
    Identify the rule that would fix the comma errors in this sentence: The clear glassy water was so peaceful and beautiful.
    Three or more items in a list should be separated by a comma.
    Equal adjectives should be separated by a comma.
    When a speaker addresses someone by name, which is called a "direct address," the name should have commas around it.
    When an address or location is written out, there should be a comma after the street name, the city, and after the state if the sentence continues.
  • Q6
    Which comma should be deleted from the following sentence? My three favorite foods are, pasta, pizza, and ice cream.
    after are
    after pizza
    after pasta
  • Q7
    Which comma should be deleted from the following sentence? My brother is a tall, lanky, baseball, player.
    after tall
    after baseball
    after lanky
  • Q8
    Which comma should be deleted from the following sentence? The school year will end on June, 16, 2017, a Friday.
    after 16
    after June
    after 2017
  • Q9
    Which comma should be deleted from the following sentence? Taylor, lives in Nashville, Tennessee.
    after Nashville
    after Taylor
  • Q10
    Which comma should be deleted from the following sentence? The new, Museum of the American Revolution just opened at 101 South 3rd Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    after Philadelphia
    after new
    after Street
  • Q11
    Where does a comma need to be added in the following sentence? He is a strong healthy young man.
    after healthy
    after BOTH strong and healthy
    after strong
  • Q12
    Where does a comma need to be added in the following sentence? You can find the article in the June 24 2016 Arts and Entertainment section.
    after 24 and 2016 and Arts
    after Arts
    after BOTH 24 and 2016
    after 24
  • Q13
    Where does a comma need to be added in the following sentence? By the time our dinner arrived I was so hungry I ate the entire steak the whole potato and all of the dessert.
    after arrived and ate
    after arrived and steak and potato
    after ate and steak and potato
    after steak and potato
  • Q14
    Where does a comma need to be added in the following sentence? Jim are you going to be joining us for lunch on Saturday?
    after Jim and lunch
    after Jim
    after on
    after lunch
  • Q15
    Does the following sentence use commas correctly or incorrectly? Lily, Mike, and Dori are coming to the game next week.

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