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Command Line III - Paths, Folders and Directories

Quiz by Makers Academy

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33 questions
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  • Q1
    What does the '..' command do?
    Moves 'up' in the tree and path
  • Q2
    pwd ~/home/academy/makers/students/september/bob/temp What will be the file-path after the following commands? cd .. cd .. pwd
  • Q3
    What one command will always take you to your home directory?
    cd ~
  • Q4
    When you're lost, what command lists out the contents of the directory you're currently in?
  • Q5
    $pwd ~/home/academy/makers/students/september/bob/temp What will be printed after the following commands? $cd .. $rmdir temp $cd .. $rmdir bob $cd .. $ls _______?
  • Q6
    What does the 'pushd' command do?
    Takes your current directory and 'pushes' it into a list for later, then it changes to another directory
  • Q7
    What does the 'popd' command do?
    Takes the last directory you pushed and 'pops' it off, taking you back there
  • Q8
    What happens when you run 'pushd' by itself with no arguments?
    It will switch between your current directory and the last one you pushed. It's an easy way to switch between two directories.
  • Q9
    What command is used to make an empty file?
  • Q10
    What will be printed after the following commands? $ cd file $ touch newtextfile.txt $ ls $ _____?
  • Q11
    What will be printed after the following commands? $ cd file $ cp newtextfile.txt newertextfile.txt $ ls $ _____?
    newtextfile.txt newertextfile.txt
  • Q12
    What does the 'mv' command do?
    It moves files, or rather renames them.
  • Q13
    What will be printed after the following commands? $ ls file text.txt $ mv file newfile $ ls $ _____?
    newfile text.txt
  • Q14
    What does the 'more' command do?
    Displays text, one screen at a time
  • Q15
    How is the command 'less' different to 'more'?
    Less allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement.

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