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Commentary - Judges

Quiz by Adriana Diaz

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    Who are the six major judges mentioned in the book of Judges?
    Ruth, Esther, Sarah, Hannah, Mary, and Rachel
    Joshua, Caleb, Moses, Aaron, David, and Solomon
    Shamgar, Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon
    Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson
  • Q2
    Who is believed to have written the book of Judges?
  • Q3
    When was the book of Judges most likely written?
    During the time of the monarchy
    During the early period of Saul's or David's reign
    During the time of the Judges
    During the time of Moses
  • Q4
    How long did the period of the Judges last?
    From about 200 to 800 A.D.
    From about 1350 to 1050 B.C.
    From about 1000 to 500 B.C.
    From about 500 to 100 B.C.
  • Q5
    What is the main theme of the book of Judges?
    The miracles of God
    The disruption of the covenant relationship and its results
    The rise and fall of the judges
    The establishment of the monarchy
  • Q6
    How does God react to human conduct according to the book of Judges?
    With indifference
    Through covenant blessings or curses
    By punishing everyone
    Through miracles
  • Q7
    What does the book of Judges reveal about God?
    A God who is not involved in human affairs
    A God who only punishes sinners
    A God who is distant and uncaring
    A God full of compassion and mercy toward sinners
  • Q8
    What does the book of Judges anticipate?
    The return of the exiles
    The time when the true King shall arise in Israel, the messianic King
    The rebuilding of the Temple
    The establishment of a new covenant
  • Q9
    What did the judges in the book of Judges do besides their judicial duties?
    They were military commanders
    They were prophets
    They were priests
    They were divinely appointed deliverers of God's people
  • Q10
    What was the period like under the leadership of the judges?
    It was a time when God's people were divided
    It was a time of constant turmoil
    There were alternating periods of oppression and peace
    It was a time of great prosperity and unity
  • Q11
    Who are the six major judges mentioned in the book of Judges?
    Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson
    Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
    Shamgar, Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon
    Joshua, Caleb, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon
  • Q12
    Who wrote the book of Judges according to Jewish tradition?
  • Q13
    When was the book of Judges likely written?
    During the early period of Saul's or David's reign
    During the reign of King Solomon
    During the time of the Israelites' enslavement in Egypt
    During the Babylonian exile
  • Q14
    What was the time period of the Judges?
    From the time of the Exodus until the Babylonian exile
    From the creation of the world until the time of Jesus
    From about 1350 to 1050 B.C.
    From 1050 to 1350 B.C.
  • Q15
    What is the book of Judges primarily about?
    The life and teachings of Jesus
    The history of the Israelites in Egypt
    The prophecy of the end times
    The interaction between God and His people after they entered the land of Canaan

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