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Community Helpers

Quiz by Hannah Gailey

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a community?
    Question Image
    A place where people live and work.
    A dance move.
    A place where animals hide.
    A really good book.
  • Q2
    How does a police officer help our community?
    Question Image
    A police officer delivers mail.
    A police officer keeps us safe.
    A police officer cries a lot.
    A police officer does not help.
  • Q3
    How do custodians help our school community?
    Question Image
    Custodians keep our school clean.
    Custodians clap all the time.
    Custodians can paint pictures for us.
    Custodians throw trash at people
  • Q4
    This community helper is friendly and can count money. This community helper is also very good at math.
    Question Image
    A song writer
    A phone operator
    A banker
    A dancer
  • Q5
    I help people in my community travel from place to place. I am an excellent, safe driver. I can drive a long vehicle-sometimes it is bright yellow. What am I?
    Question Image
    A veterinarian
    A doctor
    A bus driver
    A pilot
  • Q6
    How does a principal help our school community?
    Question Image
    A principal can wear whatever they want to school and they can eat all the time.
    A principal is supposed to sing loudly in the hallways each morning.
    A principal keeps our school safe and makes good decisions about our classrooms. A principal also helps us follow the rules.
    A principal plays on the computer and smiles a lot.
  • Q7
    What jobs does a nurse have at school?
    Question Image
    A nurse should always laugh at others when they are hurt. A nurse is supposed to make students follow the rules
    Texting their best friends during the day
    Helping students who are hurt, fixing cuts and bruises, recording accidents, calling families of sick students, taking students' temperatures, and much more.
    Screaming, running, being nice to boys, and eating
  • Q8
    What if all of the community helpers decided to be lazy and not do their jobs?
    Question Image
    Our community would have a rainbow over it.
    Our community would not run well, people would be dirty, starving, and unsafe.
    Our community would cheer and run together in a race.
    Our community would be really safe.

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