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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Identify the correct relational operation for the operator "=="?
    Less than
    Equal to
    Does not equal
  • Q2
    Identify the correct relational operation for the operator ">="?
    Does not equal
    Less than or equal to
    Greater than or equal to
    Equal to
  • Q3
    Identify the correct relational operation for the operator "<"?
    Does not equal
    Less than
    Less than or equal to
    Greater than
  • Q4
    Identify the correct relational operation for the operator "!="?
    Does not equal
    Equal to
    Lesson than
    Greater than
  • Q5
    Which is the correct line of code to check if the password is at least 8 characters?
    Question Image
    IF LEN(Password) <= 8 THEN
    IF LEN(Password) != 8 THEN
    IF LEN(Password) >= 8 THEN
    IF LEN(Password) == 8 THEN
  • Q6
    Explain why this statement will return TRUE or FALSE: "IF 5 > 6"?
    5 is not equal to 6 and it will return FALSE.
    5 is not more than 6 and it will return FALSE.
    5 is equal to 6 and it will return TRUE .
    5 is less than 6 and it will return TRUE.
  • Q7
    What is the purpose of this code?
    Question Image
    To check the username is the same as the password to create an account
    To check the password is at least 8 characters
    To check whether the password is different to the username so that it can create an account
    To check if the password contains a capital letter
  • Q8
    Why will this statement will return TRUE or FALSE: "IF 100 <= 305"?
    This will return TRUE because 100 is less than 305
    This will return FALSE because 100 does not equal 305
    This will return TRUE because 100 equals 305
    This will return FALSE because 100 is more than 305
  • Q9
    Why this program would not issue fines to everyone going at a speed of 73 or over?
    Question Image
    You need to use >= to check whether it's more than or equal to 73
    You need to use > to check whether it's more than 73
    You need to use != to check whether it's not equal to 73
    You need to use <= to check whether it's less than or equal to 73
  • Q10
    What is correct line of code for this program to check if the students passed or not. The pass mark is 40 or higher?
    Question Image
    IF mark >= 40
    IF mark <> 40
    IF mark == 40
    IF mark <= 40

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