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Complete Denture Quiz

Quiz by Vinay Sivaswamy

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the tissue surface of a complete denture known as?
    Intaglio surface
    Cameo surface
    Occlusal surface
    Polished surface
  • Q2
    Which feature does not belong in Hanau's Quint?
    Cuspal angulation
    Intercondylar distance
    Wilson's curve
    Cuspal height
  • Q3
    What is the formula for balanced occlusion?
    Thielmann's formula
    Hanau's formula
    Bonwill's formula
    Stefan's formula
  • Q4
    What is the formula for lateral guidance?
    Thielmann's formula
    Bonwill's formula
    Stefan's formula
    Hanau's formula
  • Q5
    Which part of the articulator controls positioning of the upper and lower casts?
    Condylar element
    Incisal table
    Condylar guidance
    Incisal pin
  • Q6
    Which feature of Hanau's Quint cannot be adjusted?
    Incisal guidance
    Condylar guidance
    Occlusal plane
    Compensatory curve
  • Q7
    Which denture teeth enables balanced occlusion?
    Semi-anatomic teeth
    Non-anatomic teeth
    Anatomic teeth
    Monoplane teeth
  • Q8
    What are 30 degree teeth also known as?
    Anatoline teeth
    Pilkington Turner teeth
    Swenson teeth
    Trubyte teeth
  • Q9
    What is the point of termination of the upper denture?
    Anterior vibrating line
    Posterior vibrating line
    Fovea palatini
  • Q10
    Which is the primary stress bearing area of the mandible?
    Mylohyoid ridge
    Crest of Alveolar ridge
    Buccal shelf area
    Retromolar pad

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