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Conditional Statement: Act. 2


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5 questions
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  • Q1

    Identify the hypothesis or the condition in the given statement.  Remember, the hypothesis can be the cause of why the consequence happened, or the reason for a result to happen. 

    1.  Students who are good at mathematics are smart.

    2. Joel is smart.


    Joel is intelligent.

    Joel is good at mathematics.

    Joel is a student.

    Joel loves mathematics.

  • Q2

    Give the hypothesis. 

    Young actresses are skin and health-conscious.

    Bianca Umali is skin and health-conscious.

    Alden Richards is a young actor and health-conscious.

    Young actresses are beautiful.

    Cailyn is a young actress.

    Bianca Umali is a young actress.

  • Q3

    x + 7 = 10 implies that x = 3.  Which is the hypothesis?

    x + 7 = 10

    x = 3

  • Q4

    Which is the hypothesis in the sentence "I'll go if you go"?

    You go.

    I will go.

  • Q5

    Identify the hypothesis: Triangle is a three-sided figure.

    A triangle is not a square.

    The figure is a triangle.

    A circle is not a three-sided figure.


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