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Congestive Heart Failure

Quiz by Harjot Kaur

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the definition of CHF?
    Question Image
    When the heart fails to generate effective and detectable blood flow; pulses are not palpable in cardiac arrest, even if muscular and electrical activity continues in the heart
    A group of symptoms caused by myocardial ischemia; includes angina and myocardial infarction.
    A state in which not enough oxygen is delivered to the tissues of the body, caused by low output of blood from the heart.
    A disorder in which the heart loses part of its ability to effectively pump blood, usually as a result of damage to the heart muscle and usually resulting in backup of fluid into the lungs
  • Q2
    What is not a primary cause of congestive heart failure?
    Question Image
    coronary artery disease
    high blood pressure
  • Q3
    Which sign is shown in a person who has CHF (best answer)
    person is agitated
    vision problems
  • Q4
    What medication can help with CHF
    Oxygen & Nitrogylcerin
    Aspirin & Oxygen
  • Q5
    What is not one of the main symptoms of CHF
    problems with urinary output
    shortness of breath
    warm hands
  • Q6
    Why is it called Congestive Heart Failure
    Lungs become congested with fluid once the right side of the heart fails to pump the blood effectively.
    Lungs become congested with fluid once the left side of the heart fails to pump the blood effectively.

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