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Coordinating Conjunctions

Quiz by Cinco Delgado

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    What are the coordinating conjunctions in the sentences with quotations? Believe it or not, we need coordinating conjunctions. We need them to express more than a single thought, feeling, or action. We need coordinating conjunctions to say things like, "'Gordon will not go camping or hiking or swimming in the river" "Susan loves curry and chapati bread." "Shelley stumbled and fell off the balcony, but was unhurt by the fall."
  • Q2
    Why do we need coordinating conjunctions? coordinating conjunctions to talk about more than a single idea or possibility. We need them to say things like 'My brother, Mike, doesn't like cats, and my sister, Karen, doesn't like dogs' or 'The cat is hiding under the couch, in the cupboard, or on top of the bookcase.' We need coordinating conjunctions to express the many complex ideas that make up our world.
    to clarify thinking
    to write like a professional
    to express complex ideas
    to join sentences to make writing fancy
  • Q3
    What is a compound sentence? A coordinating conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or sentences. When a coordinating conjunction joins together two sentences, the resulting sentence is called a compound sentence. There are seven coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
    three sentences joined together
    two or more sentences joined together
    two sentences joined together
    two paragraphs joined together
  • Q4
    When do you use a comma with coordinating conjunctions? Coordinating conjunctions can be used to connect sentences, and because each sentence expresses a complete thought, a comma is always required to separate them. Sentences joined by a coordinating conjunction are called compound sentences.
  • Q5
    Which of the following are not coordinating conjunctions
    For, and, nor
    Yet, so
    But, or
    Because, with
  • Q6
    What is a coordinating conjunction?
    All of these are correct.
    A word that expresses a thought or a state of being
    A word that expresses an action or an event
    A word that connects words, phrases, or sentences.
  • Q7
    When two sentences are joined by a coordinating conjunction, what is the resulting sentence called?
    A twin sentence
    A conjoined sentence
    A conjunctive sentence
    A compound sentence
  • Q8
    A paper without a main idea is like a movie without a plot? Have you ever been really excited about a movie? I mean so excited you go to the theater, get popcorn and other snacks, and sit down waiting for an hour and a half of wonderful cinema bliss? Then it happens - it's an hour and a half later and you realize you have no idea what you just watched! Even when you try to explain it to people, the words escape you. The most you can say is that it had no plot and it made no sense. It's a terrible experience when you watch a movie with no plot, and reading an essay with no main idea, no thesis, and no cohesive points tying it all together is no less aggravating of an experience. The best way to avoid such a tragedy in your own writing is to get great at setting the stage for your writing.
  • Q9
    What is the main idea of an essay? The first place to start is with your main idea. The main idea is the key concept being expressed or examined. Putting this in our movie frame of reference, the main idea would be the broad context on what the movie is about, or the genre in which the movie will be viewed. Is it a romantic comedy about high school sweethearts? Maybe it's a historical drama about the Battle of Waterloo or the sinking of the Titanic. The main idea is the overall gist of what the piece will be dealing with as a whole.
    a thought about the subject
    the evidence to support an unrelated idea
    the key concept being expressed or examined
    the evidence to support an idea
  • Q10
    What is a thesis statement in an essay? Okay, so now that we have the main idea, we need to prepare ourselves to clearly explain it to our audience, the reader. What we need is a thesis statement! A thesis statement is a one- or two-sentence condensation of your argument or analysis that will follow in your writing. The thesis statement is the narrowing of our overall main idea. Moving along with our movie idea, let's say our main idea is a romantic comedy about two high school sweethearts. While that helps narrow things a bit from the entire genre of romantic comedy, it doesn't really help give us the detail we need to truly understand what is unique about our movie. However, I can add the thesis statement of Two high school sweethearts ready to embark on the wonderful world of college. Will they follow their dreams and end up at separate colleges, or follow their heart to the same school? Now we can better understand what this movie is about!
    the topic of the introductory paragraph
    the narrowing of the overall main idea
    the topic of the conclusion
    the topic of the first body paragraph
  • Q11
    What does a topic sentence do? Of course, there is a bit more narrowing that can be done in this process. Sometimes space does not allow us to give a longer explanation. Sometimes people really need us to get to the point quickly. This is where our topic sentence comes into play. A topic sentence is generally at the beginning of the opening paragraph and gives a one-sentence summary of the main point. Think of the topic sentence as our movie blurb that everyone grabs a hold of. It's that bit of information the producers want us to hold onto that will allow us to build excitement for the movie and remember with ease the main point of the film. In our fictional romantic comedy, our topic sentence might be Jordan and Willow must decide if their high school love is big enough to span not just one college, but two. In this sentence, I now clearly see that this movie is about two high school students named Jordan and Willow. They are about to go to college, and they may even end up at two different colleges. They will be analyzing if their love really is big and broad enough to move from being a high school romance to an adult, long-distance relationship. In one sentence I have given a summary of the film - without giving away the neat surprises viewers may find along the way. The hope is that it generates interest and leaves the person wanting more. The same is true with the topic sentence. People are much happier reading an essay when they understand what it is supposed to be about. They can grab a hold of the context and read with purpose, thereby allowing a much easier and memorable reading experience.
    hooks the reader into reading the paragraph
    summarizes the thesis statement for each paragraph
    encourages the reader to keep going
    gives a one-sentence summary of the main point for a paragraph
  • Q12
    Which of the following statements best defines the main idea of an essay?
    It is the key concept being expressed or examined.
    It is the setting in which a story takes place.
    It is the first sentence in the first paragraph.
    It is a one sentence summary of the opinion being presented.
  • Q13
    Which of the following is true?
    A weak main idea can be strengthened with detailed supporting facts, relevant case studies, and scientific findings.
    Main ideas, thesis statements, and topic sentences help structure a written piece, aiding the reader's understanding.
    Thesis statements and topic sentences set the tone and style that should be continued throughout the writing.
    Conclusion sections should generally repeat the information of the topic sentences for clarity.
  • Q14
    Why is a thesis statement so important in writing?
    It structures each paragraph logically to help readers understand the key points presented.
    It clearly explains the main idea and helps readers to better understand what the piece of writing is all about.
    It introduces the most critical facts and details of the information to be discussed.
    It helps readers find where the most important information is in the piece of writing.
  • Q15
    Which of the following statements is an example of a thesis statement?
    A tired driver can be just as dangerous as a drunk driver because both are impaired when driving a vehicle.
    A lack of sleep has been shown to slow reaction times and impair judgement.
    More than 250,000 drivers in the United States fall asleep at the wheel every day.
    Drowsy driving is responsible for 100,000 accidents every year.

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