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CS-4046 Quiz

Quiz by Faizan Haider

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    What is Tween Library?
    A library for creating 3D graphic
    A library for creating animations and transition
    A library for creating server-side application
    A library for interacting with APIs
  • Q2
    What is the disadvantage of using co-routines?
    They can be difficult to debug and maintain
    They make the game code more complex
    They make the game run slower
    They increase the size of the game executable
  • Q3
    What is a common way to monetize mobile games?
    Unlocking levels with social media shares
    In-app purchases
    Watching advertisements
    Paying a one-time fee
  • Q4
    What is a pay-to-win model?
    A game model where only certain players are allowed to make purchases
    A game model with no monetization strategy
    A game model where paying players have advantages over non-paying players
    A game model where all players are equally advantaged
  • Q5
    What file format does Mixamo support for importing 3D models?
  • Q6
    What is the purpose of the lerp method?
    To make animation smooth<br>
    To calculate the square root of a number
    To round a decimal value
    To find a value between two other values based on a percentage
  • Q7
    What does the lerp method stand for?
    Local Exponential Regression
    Linear Interpolation
    Linear Extrapolation
    Logarithmic Extrapolation
  • Q8
    What is the purpose of the instantiate method in Unity?
    Create a new scene during runtime<br>
    Delete GameObjects during runtime
    Create instances of GameObjects during runtime
    Set the position of a GameObject
  • Q9
    Can you instantiate a GameObject that is not in the scene?
    Only if it has a Rigidbody component
    Only if its tag is set to 'Instantiate'
  • Q10
    Which of the following is NOT a common method of game monetization?
    In-game advertising
    Subscription models
    Selling virtual goods
    Providing free DLC
  • Q11

    What should be the primary goal of ad networks?

    To maximize revenue for publishers

    To provide high-quality ads to consumers


    To maximize revenue for advertisers

  • Q12

    Why do we need to save game data?

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  • Q13

    What is PlayerPrefs? What type of Values it can store?

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  • Q14

    List any 3 Game Marketing Strategies? Which is best and why?

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  • Q15

    What are Freemium Games?

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