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Quiz by Roxan Cabria

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  • Q1

    This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to integrate their learning in the different learning areas of the humanities and social sciences through a creative culminating activity. It focuses on the exhibitions/exhibits of authentic products and performances as evidence of their learning in the humanities and social sciences

    Megatrends and Critical Thinking in the21st Century Culture

    Culminating Activity

    Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

    Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIAS)

  • Q2

     The Content Standard of Culminating Activity is for the learners to  demonstration understanding  of key concepts, principles, and processes of humanities and social science

    True or False
  • Q3

    The performance Standard of   Culminating Activity Subject is for  the  learners shall be able to produce a creative portfolio that will integrate their learning unspecialized learning areas under humanities or social sciences

    True or False
  • Q4

    Write the specialized learning areas under humanities or social sciences; 

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  • Q5

    Write down  Learning Competencies learned from all specialized subjects that demonstrate understanding of humanities and social sciences. 

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