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Customer relationship management and customer satisfaction

Quiz by Sarah Ayyad

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the primary goal of customer relationship management (CRM)?
    To increase sales without regard to customer needs
    To focus solely on marketing
    To improve customer satisfaction and loyalty
    To minimize customer support interactions
  • Q2
    Which of the following is a key benefit of effective customer relationship management?
    Increased customer retention
    Less personalized marketing
    Reduced need for customer service
    Higher product prices
  • Q3
    What is one way to measure customer satisfaction?
    Increasing product prices
    Reducing the variety of products offered
    Limiting customer service hours
    Surveys and feedback forms
  • Q4
    What does customer segmentation help businesses achieve?
    Targeted marketing efforts
    Equal pricing for every customer
    Standardized products for all customers
    Less interaction with customers
  • Q5
    Which strategy can significantly enhance customer satisfaction?
    Ignoring customer feedback
    Automating all customer support
    Using generic marketing messages
    Personalizing customer interactions
  • Q6
    What role does feedback play in customer relationship management?
    It only serves to confuse customers
    It helps businesses improve products and services
    It is not necessary for business growth
    It focuses mainly on revenue generation
  • Q7
    What is a common tool used in customer relationship management to track customer interactions?
    Basic spreadsheets
    CRM software
    Email programs
    Social media apps
  • Q8
    Which of the following is a sign of high customer satisfaction?
    Repeat purchases from customers
    High employee turnover
    Frequent complaints
    Low customer engagement
  • Q9
    What is the purpose of developing customer loyalty programs?
    To increase delivery times
    To reward repeat customers and encourage ongoing business
    To reduce product options
    To limit customer access to support
  • Q10
    How does effective communication influence customer satisfaction?
    It reduces the need for customer service
    It complicates customer relationships
    It builds trust and transparency
    It leads to more complaints

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