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Cyberbullying and Phishing

Quiz by Captain Bunn

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the best action to take if you receive a message that makes you uncomfortable online?
    Reply to the message
    Report it to a trusted adult
    Post about it on social media
    Ignore it and keep scrolling
  • Q2
    What is one way to recognize a phishing email?
    It has poor spelling and grammar
    It has a professional logo
    It comes from a known friend
    It offers a cash prize
  • Q3
    What can you do if you feel overwhelmed by negative comments online?
    Post even more negative comments
    Delete all your friends
    Take a break from social media
    Try to respond to every comment
  • Q4
    Why is it important to keep your passwords private?
    To make your accounts look cooler
    To protect your personal information from being stolen
    To get more friends
    To have more fun online
  • Q5
    What is a common way that phishing scams are carried out?
    By playing games online
    By sharing funny videos
    By sending fake emails that look real
    By creating new social media accounts
  • Q6
    What should you do if you see someone being bullied online?
    Unfriend the person being bullied
    Join in and make fun of them
    Ignore it and do nothing
    Tell a trusted adult about it
  • Q7
    What is one effective way to prevent cyberbullying?
    Ignoring hurtful messages
    Being kind and respectful online
    Sharing personal passwords
    Posting negative comments
  • Q8
    What should you do if you receive a suspicious email asking for your personal information?
    Forward it to your friends
    Do not respond and tell an adult
    Reply with your information
    Ignore it and delete it
  • Q9
    Which of the following is a sign that you might be a victim of cyberbullying?
    Making new friends online
    Receiving mean messages online
    Getting lots of likes on your posts
    Playing games with others
  • Q10
    What is phishing primarily used for?
    To create new games
    To trick people into giving away personal information
    To sell products online
    To spread funny memes

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