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Cyberbullying & Digital Citizenship

Quiz by Rebekah Kore

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    What is social media?
    Question Image
    The middle class in Latin.
    Websites and applications that allow users to create and share content.
    Talkative newspapers.
    News or gossip that is of a social nature only.
  • Q2
    What is a digital footprint?
    Question Image
    Your virtual DNA. It is information about a person that is stored online.
    The ability to walk through the use of virtual reality technology.
    When police take your footprint sample and upload it digitally.
    A computer shaped like a foot.
  • Q3
    What does T.H.I.N.K stand for?
    Question Image
    To, Hope, I'm the Nice, Kid.
    Is it True, is it Helpful, is it Inspiring, is it Necessary, is it Kind?
    Is it True, is it Hairy, is it Inspiring, is it Necessary, is it a Koala?
    All of the above.
  • Q4
    What is digital citizenship?
    Question Image
    It is when you are legally allowed to use a computer.
    It relates to how we should act when we use digital tools to interact with others.
    It is the act of becoming a playable character in a video game.
    It is the process of becoming a citizen through completing a short online course.
  • Q5
    Which of the below is an example of cyberbullying?
    Question Image
    Making a new friend online.
    Excluding someone from playing handball at lunchtime.
    Pushing someone over.
    Sending mean or hurtful messages to another person online.
  • Q6
    What can you do to help a friend who is being cyberbullied?
    Question Image
    Stay quiet, you don't want to be the next target.
    Tell your friend they probably deserved it.
    Take matters into your own hands and tell the bully what you think of them.
    Don't be a bystander, reach out and see if they are okay, ask if they would like help finding support or reporting the behavior.
  • Q7
    What actions can you take if you are being cyberbullied?
    Question Image
    Tell a trusted adult what is going on.
    Record any evidence of the bullying to report it formally.
    Block the person to stop them from contacting you.
    All of the above.

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