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Declaration of Independence Vocabulary


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6 questions
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  • Q1
    What does "endowed by their Creator" mean from the Declaration of Independence?
    clear to everyone
    having the right to life
    free to find joy
    given by God
  • Q2
    We hold these truths be "self-evident" was also written. What does self-evident mean?
    to disappear or end
    clear to everyone
    needing proof
    to drive to action
  • Q3
    Liberty means
    everyone should be treated differently
    housing and feeding soldiers
    having the right to freedom
    going to trail for a crime you did not commit
  • Q4
    "All men are created equal" means
    given by God
    free to find happiness
    clear to all
    everyone should be treated the same
  • Q5
    "pursuit of Happiness"
    a formal announcement
    given permission
    free to find joy
    rights that you have
  • Q6
    We have certain unalienable rights which means...
    rights that no one can take away from you
    to give a right or legal claim to
    to provide with some ability or quality
    having the right to freedom

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