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Degrees of adjectives

Quiz by Santosh Thomas

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Raj is the most talented boy in the class.
    Raj is more talented than other boys in the class.
    Some boys in the class are as talented as Raj
    No other boy in the class is as talented as Raj.
    All boys in the class are as talented as Raj
  • Q2
    Ram is stronger than Majid.
    Majid is not so strong as Ram
    Majid is stronger than Ram
    Majid is as strong as Ram
    Majid is very strong as Ram
  • Q3
    Lucknow is one of the most beautiful cities in India.
    No other city in India is as beautiful as Lucknow.
    Very few cities in India are as beautiful as Lucknow.
    Lucknow is most beautiful city in India.
    Lucknow is more beautiful than any other city in the country.
  • Q4
    America is the richest country in the world.
    Some countries in the world are richer than America.
    No other country in the world is as rich as America
    America is richer country.
    Very few countries in the world are as rich as America
  • Q5
    Very few countries in the world are as large as China.
    China is one of the largest countries in the world.
    China is not a large country
    China is the largest country in the world
    China is a large country
  • Q6
    Vivekananda was one of the most popular Indian saints.
    Vivekananda was more popular saint
    Very few Indian saints were as popular as Vivekananda.
    No other India saints were as popular as Vivekananda.
    Vivekananda was most popular saint
  • Q7
    Shakespeare is the most famous of all writers in English.
    Shakespeare is greatest than any other writer in English.
    Shakespeare is great than any other writer in English.
    Shakespeare is more greater than any other writer in English.
    No other writer in English is as famous as Shakespeare.
  • Q8
    China is larger than India.
    India is largest than China
    India is not as large as China.
    China is more largest than India.
    India is larger than China
  • Q9
    Greenland is the largest island in the world.
    Greenland is largest than any other island in the world.
    No other island in the world is as large as Greenland.
    Greenland is not larger than any other island in the world.
    Greenland is large than any other island in the world.
  • Q10
    Air is lighter than water.
    Water is not as lighter as air.
    Water is not as light as air.
    Water is not as lightest as air.
    Water is light as air.

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