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Describes a healthy person

Quiz by Cute

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following describes a healthy person?
    Watching TV all day
    Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly
    Eating only junk food
    Never getting enough sleep
  • Q2
    What is a healthy habit for your teeth?
    Brushing your teeth twice a day
    Eating lots of sugary foods without brushing
    Brushing your teeth once a month
    Skipping brushing for a week
  • Q3
    What should you do to keep your body hydrated?
    Avoid drinking any liquids
    Drink plenty of water
    Only drink coffee or tea
    Drink sugary soda all day
  • Q4
    Which activity is good for your mental health?
    Watching TV non-stop
    Skipping homework and chores
    Playing video games all day
    Reading books
  • Q5
    What is a healthy choice for a snack?
    Having chips and soda
    Eating fruits and vegetables
    Skipping snack time altogether
    Eating only cookies and candy
  • Q6
    Which activity is important for overall health?
    Taking naps all day
    Getting enough sleep
    Not sleeping at all
    Staying up all night
  • Q7
    What is an example of a healthy breakfast?
    French fries
    Chocolate cake
    Ice cream
    Oatmeal with fruits and nuts
  • Q8
    What is a good way to stay active and have fun?
    Playing outside with friends
    Sitting inside and watching TV all day
    Avoiding any physical activity
    Playing video games for hours
  • Q9
    What is a healthy way to relax and reduce stress?
    Taking deep breaths
    Sitting in front of a screen for hours
    Drinking caffeinated beverages
    Eating lots of sugary snacks
  • Q10
    Which of the following is a healthy way to start the day?
    Having a sugary donut
    Eating leftover pizza
    Skipping breakfast
    Eating a nutritious breakfast

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