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Developments from 1975-2001

Quiz by Amy Rigdon

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following factors directly contributed to the breakup of the Soviet Union?
    the development of the Internet
    The USSR's struggling economy
    the death of Nikita Krushchev
    the growth of China as a rival
  • Q2
    What caused President Bush to create the Department of Homeland Security?
    the increase in violence in large American cities
    the bombing of Pearl Harbor
    the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, DC
    the actions of Saddam Hussein in Kuwait
  • Q3
    In what way has the internet changed how people communicate?
    it has given people more access to shopping malls and big box stores
    it has made communication slower
    It has given people more access to communicating over long distances
    it has given governments an easier way to control communications
  • Q4
    the Internet has changed life for many Americans. What are some benefits of the Internet?
    Peple no longer use libraries
    People can purchase goods from home
    It makes communication between people harder
    People no longer have a need to send mail
  • Q5
    How has the internet impacted the world's economy?
    It limited economical independence for most countries
    It made more people buy goods from their home country
    It caused a recession because too many people bought goods online
    More companies began doing business with people from all parts of the world
  • Q6
    What impact did the events of September 11, 2001 have on travel within the United States?
    People were allowed to travel without a passport
    Electric cars were invented
    Prices for train travel went down greatly
    Stricter airport security rules were created
  • Q7
    How did the invention of the personal computer, or PC, change how offices in the US operated?
    Many offices resisted using computers and instead hired more workers
    Many offices resisted using computers, and instead hired more workers
    Many computers were too big for offices so companies built larger offices
    Many tasks that were done by humans were instead done by computers
  • Q8
    What happened to New York City of Septemner 11, 2001?
    a plane crashed into the pentagon
    a plane crashes into a field
    Two planes crashed into the World trade Center Towers
    US Borders were completely closed
  • Q9
    How did congress change US government to fight terrorism?
    It declared a war on terrorism
    It went to war with al-Qaeda
    It passed the Patriot Act
    It said that Iraq had nuclear weapons
  • Q10
    How did Ronald Reagan's actions affect the Soviet economy?
    the trade war Reagan started ended Soviet export to the U s.
    The Soviets felt they needed to spend more money expanding their military
    The Soviets decided to pay Eastern European armies to protect the Iron Curtain
    Reagans SDI challenged the Soviets to an expensive Space Race
  • Q11
    Which of the following tells why Apple is important to the history of computers?
    It invented the first personal computer
    it built the first computer to use MS-DOS
    it invented the internet
    it built the first digital computer
  • Q12
    Which nation collapsed because its economy was failing
    the Ukraine
    the US
    Soviet Union
  • Q13
    Who was America's President when the terrorist attacked the US on Sept . 11, 2001
    Ronald Reagan
    Richard Nixon
    Jimmy Carter
    George Bush
  • Q14
    What is the name of the terrorist group responsible for the 9/11 attacks?
    al Qaeda
  • Q15
    Who was the leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist group responsible for the 9/11 attacks?
    Nikita Krushchev
    Saddam Hussein
    Osama Bin Laden
    Mikhail Gorbachev

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