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DHRL Policy and Procedures - Returners

Quiz by Denis Serrano Cruz

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    What do I do when the on-call GC or Coordinator does not pick up the phone to help assist with an incident? 

    Call my community coordinator/GC. They'll know what to do. 

    Just go back to my room. It's a wrap on this incident. 

    Handle it myself! I'm experienced. 

    Call different on-call personnel. They'll be able to help! 

  • Q2

    Where do I find the FERPA release for a resident in StarRez? 

    In the Rez 360 tab 

    In the Custom Fields - Forms tab

    In the Custom Fields - Documents tab

    In the Account tab

  • Q3

    A resident walks into your community office with a dog you do not recognize as part of the approved animals in your hall. It is wearing a vest labeled "service animal." What is an appropriate next step?

    It's your favorite breed of dog! Ask to pet it. 

    It's a service dog. We are not allowed to ask any more questions. Let them go about their day. 

    You may ask two questions: Is the animal a service animal? What tasks has the animal been trained to perform? 

    Inform them their animal is not allowed in the office and they must exit the building at once. 

  • Q4

    You're on duty and notice a resident sitting by themselves in a community area. They appear troubled and are visibly crying. What is an appropriate next step?

    Go up, introduce yourself and ask if they need assistance. 

    Go to the community office and grab some resource flyers. Approach the resident and ask if they would be interested in any of them. 

    Go back to the community office. It's not your business to get involved. 

    You're not sure if they would appreciate their private moment interrupted. Pull up the link to CAPs and Airdrop it to the nearest phone numbers. 

  • Q5

    You receive a call from a resident stating they are uncomfortable because there are what look to be non-students congregating in a public space in the courtyard next to their building. What's an appropriate  next step? 

    Console the resident, but also inform them Housing cannot ask people to leave public areas. 

    Call UCF PD and request they come speak with the non-residents to ask them to leave. 

    Go with your duty partner and ask the individuals to leave as they are making residents feel uncomfortable. 

    Ask the individual if there was anything specifically done by the group to make her feel uncomfortable. 

  • Q6

    You and your duty partner finish responding to a resident who is reporting an active (but minor) leak coming from their bathroom's toilet. You complete the work order and then ask your duty partner if they completed the IR like agreed upon. They state the IR is not necessary as facilities already knows. This is not the first time they've refused to appropriately follow-up on an incident. What's the best course of action?  

    Email your supervisor requesting no longer to work with the individual without providing additional context. 

    Address your partners lack of desire to appropriately document an incident. Inform them that if they do not follow appropriate procedures you will address their behavior with your supervisor. 

    Complete the incident report for them again. They graduate next year and hopefully you won't be their duty partner again. 

    Message the staff group chat stating your frustration that people do not want to do their jobs and wish they would leave if they did not want to be there. 

  • Q7

    The fire alarm starts ringing in your building and you are off-duty. You are exiting the building to the muster location. What do you do now? 

    Stay in the building and make sure no one is left in their units.

    Evacuate yourself first and then direct students to the correct muster location. Call emergency services and inform on-call personnel when possible. 

    Exit the building and call the on-duty RAs to let them know about the alarm. Head over to your car to wait out the incident. 

    You're not on duty. Text your friend in the next building to ask if you can sleep on their couch for the night. 

  • Q8

    You are completing a Health and Safety inspection for one of your residents. The room is filthy and you must fail them for failure to abide by our housekeeping guidelines. What is an inappropriate next step? 

    After completing the inspection, you go speak to your coordinator and express your concern as this behavior seems like the resident. 

    That night, as you complete rounds, you discuss with your duty partner the state of unit 819C and how sad it is that Wally West is living in such disarray.  

    You go to your graduate coordinator and ask for some advice on how to assist your resident without making them feel embarrassed. 

    You are worried so you decide to reach out to your resident to ask how academics and their personal life are going. 

  • Q9

    Which of the following is not a resource to reference when determining whether a student is breaking policy?

    The Golden Rule Student Handbook

    The Community Living Guide 

    The Knight Thing to Do: A Student Guide on Rights and Responsibilities 

    Student Rules of Conduct

  • Q10

    A parent calls the duty phone worried that they have not heard from their son for 24 hours. Their son usually texts or calls at least once a day, and the parents calls have gone without answer. They ask if you can go into their room to check on them. What is an appropriate next step? 

    You inform the parent housing is not able to assist them in this situation and recommend they keep trying to call them. 

    You confirm with the parent they are calling the phone number on record and ask to try to call them yourself and add them to the call if the resident picks up. 

    You recommend the parent call the University Police Department as they are the entity responsible for conducting Wellness Checks. Unfortunately, Residence Life staff is not allowed to key into spaces for Wellness Checks. 

    You tell the parent that you will go knock on their door and call them back once you've confirmed if they are there or not. 


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