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Dictation 3

Quiz by EDUsmart by Alakiozoglou

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  • Q1
    large number of people or things together ● There are a multitude of expressions to describe different types of human behavior./ πληθώρα
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  • Q2
    connected together; bearing a relation to each other ● Our states of physical and emotional health care closely interrelated./ αλληλοσυνδεόμενος
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  • Q3
    used in a careless or wasteful way ● Despite her misspent teenage years when she hardly studied at all, Elaine passed her university degree with flying colours./ σπαταληθέντα
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  • Q4
    enjoyable ● My holiday at the spa was a most pleasurable experience which left me feeling refreshed and relaxed./ ευχάριστος
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  • Q5
    not functioning normally ● Dysfunctional relationships between couples are generally due to incompatible interests and desires/ δυσλειτουργικός
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  • Q6
    lack of care or attention ● In the UK, parents who leave underage children alone at home can be imprisoned for child neglect./ παραμέληση
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  • Q7
    with emotional problems that prevent sb behaving in a socially acceptable way ● Those who bully others often tend to be maladjusted as a result of their upbringing./ απροσάροστος
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  • Q8
    not knowing what to say ● Roxanne was at a loss to explain why her husband had left her./ σε αδυναμία να
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  • Q9
    antisocial ● Mike was expelled from school as a result of his repeated aberrant behaviour in class./ αποκλίνων
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  • Q10
    not normal; unnatural ● Having lost an abnormal amount of weight during her illness, Ellen is on a special diet to regain her strength./ αφύσικος
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  • Q11
    having a fixed opinion about sth ● The parliamentary spokesperson was adamant that the tax increases were justified and no amount of public protest would change the decision./ αμετάπειστος
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  • Q12
    not willing to change your mind; difficult to change or bend ● Colin's inflexible attitude towards his teenage daughter made her want to leave home./άκαμπτος
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  • Q13
    stubborn; sticking to your opinion ● Jane is so obstinate that she refuses to follow her parents' advice./ πεισματάρης
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  • Q14
    joyful and very excited ● We were elated at the referee's decision to award our team a penalty./ συνεπαρμένος
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  • Q15
    very happy because of a successful result ● The jubilant fans cheered loudly after the final whistle/ περιχάρης, ενθουσιώδης
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