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Digital Citizenship

Quiz by Fallon Collier

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15 questions
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  • Q1
    What does digital citizenship mean?
    Having a lot of friends on social media
    All information about you on the internet
    An online membership
    Always using the internet in a safe, ethical way.
  • Q2
    Which of the following is an example of being a good digital citizen?
    Bullying a cyber bully
    Using your phone during school
    Posting to a website without first reading the rules
    Starting a GoFundMe campaign for a classmate with cancer
  • Q3
    Which of the following is okay to share online?
    Question Image
    The school you go to
    Your favorite animal
    Your passwords
    Your birthday
  • Q4
    When talking to other people online, it is okay to share personal information with them as long as...
    Question Image
    They are from website or games you visit often
    They ask first
    It is never okay to share personal information online, no matter the person.
    They live far away from you
  • Q5
    Your teacher assigns you a project to identify different insects. You must include a picture of each of 5 different insects. It is okay to use pictures from which of the following sources without citation:
    Photos from google images
    Photos from a webpage
    Pictures that you took of bugs in your backyard
    Pictures from a science book
  • Q6
    When learning about technology at school, it is important to know:
    Question Image
    How to work with others with technology
    The rules of technology use
    Examples of different types of technologies and what they are used for
    All of the above
  • Q7
    How many people should be on your "friends list" or "chat list?"
    As many as I can get...the more friends the better!
    Anybody who will talk to me.
    Only close friends and family
  • Q8
    When chatting online or texting, you should...
    Question Image
    be rude...nobody will know it's you
    Say whatever you want
    be nice and polite, just as you would in person
    Gossip about your classmates...they won't find out
  • Q9
    What you post and do on the internet can never be seen again, once it is deleted.
    Question Image
  • Q10
    People who are victims of cyber bullying are typically...
    Question Image
    Weaker than everyone else
    none of the other choices...anybody can be cyber bullied
  • Q11
    Which of the following is something that you should NOT do if you are being cyber bullied?
    Block them
    Save the evidence
    Bully them back...see how they like it!
    Tell an adult
  • Q12
    Which of the following is an example of over sharing on social media?
    Question Image
    Posting about the home-run you hit at the baseball game today
    Inviting your family members to your next baseball game by email or text message
    Posting a picture of yourself playing baseball
    Posting about how much you dislike your new baseball coach at school
  • Q13
    Everything on the internet is true.
  • Q14
    When using technology you should:
    Question Image
    Do whatever you want because no one ever checks
    Ask your parent and teachers for permission before trying a new website
    ask your friends about which sites are the best
    figure out ways that you can have the most fun with it
  • Q15
    When shopping online, you should:
    Check the security of the site before entering any of your or your parents' information
    buy from whatever sites come up...everything is secure
    Not shop online...all website are bad
    Ask your friends which websites are the best to buy from

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