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Digital citizenship, cyberbullying

Quiz by Karen Bonner

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    What is cyberbullying?
    Participating in a group project
    Sending a friendly email to a classmate
    Bullying that occurs online or through digital communication.
    Being physically bullied at school
  • Q2
    How can you protect yourself from cyberbullying?
    Engaging in arguments with cyberbullies
    Not sharing personal information online and blocking/reporting cyberbullies.
    Sharing personal information with strangers online
    Ignoring cyberbullying messages
  • Q3
    What should you do if you witness cyberbullying happening to someone else?
    Join in and participate in the cyberbullying
    Speak up and report the cyberbullying to a trusted adult.
    Share the cyberbullying messages with others
    Ignore the situation and pretend it's not happening
  • Q4
    What is the concept of digital citizenship?
    Being rude and disrespectful online
    Sharing personal information with strangers online
    Using technology responsibly, respectfully, and safely.
    Avoiding technology altogether
  • Q5
    Why is it important to think before posting something online?
    Because social media platforms automatically delete posts after a certain time
    Because everyone will always agree with what is posted
    Because posting online is always anonymous
    Because once something is posted online, it can be difficult to remove and may have long-lasting consequences.
  • Q6
    What is a common example of cyberbullying behavior?
    Sending mean or threatening messages to someone online.
    Inviting someone to a social gathering
    Complimenting someone's achievements
    Helping a friend with their homework
  • Q7
    What is the role of empathy in preventing cyberbullying?
    Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and considering how your actions online may affect them.
    Sharing personal information with strangers online
    Ignoring others' feelings and opinions online
    Mocking or making fun of others online
  • Q8
    What is the best course of action if you experience cyberbullying?
    Tell a trusted adult and save evidence of the cyberbullying.
    Keep the cyberbullying to yourself and try to handle it alone
    Retaliate by cyberbullying the person back
    Delete all messages and pretend it never happened
  • Q9
    What should you do if you receive a threatening or hurtful message online?
    Engage in a heated argument with the sender
    Do not respond and immediately report the message to a trusted adult or the platform's administration.
    Make the message public and share it with others
    Delete the message and pretend it was never received
  • Q10
    What does it mean to be a good digital citizen?
    Sharing personal information with anyone who asks for it online
    Engaging in cyberbullying behavior towards others
    Being respectful, responsible, and safe while using technology and the internet.
    Ignoring others' privacy and safety online
  • Q11
    What should you do if you are being cyberbullied?
    Keep it to yourself
    Tell a trusted adult or teacher
    Retaliate with mean comments
    Ignore the bully
  • Q12
    What is cyberbullying?
    The use of technology to harass, threaten, or embarrass someone
    Sending positive messages online
    Sharing funny memes with friends
    Helping someone with their homework online
  • Q13
    How can you protect yourself from cyberbullying?
    Leaving your social media accounts public
    Being cautious about what you share online and setting privacy settings
    Sharing personal information with strangers
    Accepting friend requests from unknown individuals
  • Q14
    What are the consequences of cyberbullying?
    Increased popularity and acceptance
    Stronger friendships and relationships
    Emotional distress, low self-esteem, and social isolation
    Improved mental health and self-confidence
  • Q15
    What is digital citizenship?
    Using technology responsibly and respectfully
    Participating in online bullying
    Avoiding the use of technology altogether
    Sharing personal information online without restrictions

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