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Digital Citizenship

Quiz by Susan S

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    What is your digital footprint?
    Taking a selfie of your shoes
    all the information online about a person, either posted by that person or others
    a path or track
    The shape of your foot
  • Q2
    Being a good digital citizen means---?
    You never threaten or harass someone using technology
    You keep your personal information private
    Thinking before you post something online
    All of the above
  • Q3
    What type of personal information is it okay to share with someone you don't know?
    You should never share ANY personal information with someone you don't know
    Your name and telephone number only
    Minor details like the name of your school, and what your parents do for a living
    Your email address only, if it doesn't include your name
  • Q4
    What would a good digital citizen do in the following situation? Nick sees that his classmate left her email account open on a school computer by mistake. Nick decides to ____________
    not do anything and let someone else deal with it
    send an email form her account to a friend
    log out of her email and let her know that he closed it for her
  • Q5
    Can you use your school email to set up social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Kik, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.?
  • Q6
    If you see damage or you accidently damage a piece of technology equipment what should you do?
    tell a teacher about the damage
    damage it more
    don't say anything
  • Q7
    Can Johnston County Schools can track where I go on the internet and where I go on the computer?
  • Q8
    What may be a consequence of going to sites you should not go to or misusing technology equipment?
    all of the above
    written up and parents contacted
    instead of using technology I will have to do a written copy
    my account may be suspended

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