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Digital Citizenship

Quiz by Captain Bunn

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the term for using someone else's work and claiming it as your own online?
  • Q2
    What is the definition of online privacy?
    Sharing personal details with strangers online
    Making all your online activities public
    The ability to control the information you share online and the access others have to that information
    Downloading content from unknown sources
  • Q3
    What is the purpose of a digital footprint?
    To increase your online security
    To help others with their online work
    To track and record your online activities and interactions
    To provide entertainment content
  • Q4
    Why is it important to think before sharing information online?
    To avoid sharing personal or inappropriate content and protect your reputation
    To connect with strangers and make new friends easily
    To gain more followers and likes on social media
    To share everything about your life with the world
  • Q5
    What is an example of practicing good digital etiquette?
    Ignoring messages from others
    Using all caps in emails and messages
    Using polite language and tone in online communication
    Sharing fake news on social media
  • Q6
    What does it mean to give credit to the creator of digital content?
    Copying the content without mentioning the creator
    Acknowledging and mentioning the original creator of the content
    Deleting the content after using it
    Using the content for personal gain without permission
  • Q7
    What is a strong password?
    A password that is long, includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters
    A password that uses only words from the dictionary
    A password that is short and easy to remember
    A password that is shared with others
  • Q8
    Why is it important to protect your personal information online?
    To make online shopping easier
    To share more about yourself with strangers
    To prevent identity theft and protect your privacy
    To increase your social media followers
  • Q9
    What is cyberbullying?
    Bullying or harassment that happens online or through electronic devices
    Giving compliments to others online
    Sharing funny memes with friends
    Participating in online quizzes
  • Q10
    What does it mean to be a responsible digital citizen?
    Downloading content illegally and posting fake news
    Respecting others online and using technology appropriately
    Ignoring others online and using technology inappropriately
    Sharing personal information online and cyberbullying others

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