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Digital literacy Final Review

Quiz by Chelsea Jastemski

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22 questions
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  • Q1
    What is cyberbullying?
    The use of electronic devices to play games
    Sharing positive messages online
    Posting funny videos on social media
    The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.
  • Q2
    What is phishing?
    A type of computer virus
    A way to catch fish using a fishing rod
    A type of online scam where criminals send emails pretending to be from reputable sources to trick individuals into revealing personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.
    A popular social media platform
  • Q3
    What is clickbait?
    A tool used for gardening
    A form of traditional advertising
    A type of popular dance move
    Online content that is designed to attract attention and encourage users to click on a link, usually by using exaggerated or misleading titles or thumbnails.
  • Q4
    What is digital literacy?
    The study of ancient digital technologies
    A type of online game popular among kids
    The ability to use and understand information in various digital formats, such as websites, email, social media, and online tools.
    The ability to read and write in binary code
  • Q5
    What is a common warning sign of a phishing email?
    Offering a legitimate discount or promotion
    Asking for sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers.
    Including only text without any images or links
    Using proper grammar and spelling throughout the email
  • Q6
    What should you do if you encounter cyberbullying?
    Tell a trusted adult, block the person, and report the behavior to the appropriate online platform.
    Share personal information with the bully
    Ignore the bullying and hope it stops
    Engage in a cyberbullying retaliation
  • Q7
    What is the potential danger of sharing private information online?
    Improving your chances of winning online contests
    The risk of identity theft, cyberstalking, or having your information exploited by malicious individuals.
    Increasing your online popularity and followers
    Enhancing your online reputation and credibility
  • Q8
    What should you do if you receive a suspicious email asking for your personal information?
    Immediately click on the links and provide the requested information
    Share the email with all your friends to warn them
    Do not click on any links and report it as phishing
    Reply to the email with your personal details for verification
  • Q9
    Why is it important to verify information before sharing it online?
    To prevent the spread of misinformation or fake news
    To increase your social media followers
    To win online debates with others
    To gain popularity by posting controversial content
  • Q10
    What is an example of clickbait?
    A news report with verified sources and facts
    A social media post sharing a helpful tip for studying
    A scientific research paper with a detailed abstract
    An article headline that promises 'You won't believe what happens next!'
  • Q11
    Which of the following is an example of phishing?
    A social media post sharing a funny cat video
    An email claiming you've won a lottery but need to provide personal information to claim the prize
    A text message from a classmate about a school project
    An email from a friend asking for help with homework
  • Q12
    Which of the following is an example of phishing?
    A friend inviting you to join a virtual gaming party
    A trustworthy online shopping website asking for your shipping address
    A website pretending to be your bank, asking you to input your account password
    A school website requesting your student ID for a survey
  • Q13
    Which of the following is an example of clickbait?
    A scientific study on climate change
    An educational video on how to solve math problems
    Shocking celebrity secrets revealed! Click here to find out!
    A reliable news article with evidence-based sources
  • Q14
    Which of the following is an example of clickbait?
    A webinar on time management skills
    A cooking tutorial on making healthy snacks
    You won't believe what this woman found in her backyard!
    A documentary about wildlife conservation
  • Q15
    Where do we save our files on our school laptops?
    Google Drive

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