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Digital Marketing Metrics & KPI's

Quiz by Support - BusinessPromoted .com

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What are the two most important business performance metrics to track?
    Bounce Rate & Conversion Rate
    CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) & LTV (Lifetime Customer Value)
    ROI (Return On Investment) & CTR (Click Through Rate)
    Impressions & CPC (Cost Per Click)
  • Q2
    What does CPA stand for?
    Conversion Per Acquisition
    Customer Acquisition Price
    Click Per Action
    Cost Per Acquisition
  • Q3
    How is customer lifetime value (LTV) calculated?
    Customer acquisition cost
    Total marketing cost divided by the number of customers
    One-time purchase value of a product
    Average of the total amount of money a customer spends with your business
  • Q4
    What are two ways to improve your marketing performance?
    Increase lifetime customer value and decrease cost per acquisition
    Increase impressions and click-through rate
    Focus on website traffic and brand awareness
    Reduce bounce rate and social media following
  • Q5
    What metrics measure website traffic?
    Clicks & CTR
    Impressions & Frequency
    Sessions & Unique Visitors
    Bounce Rate & Average Session Duration
  • Q6
    What does bounce rate indicate?
    The average amount of time visitors spend on a webpage
    The total number of times a visitor interacts with your website
    The percentage of visitors who leave your website without taking any action
    The number of visitors who visit more than one webpage
  • Q7
    What are the two most important metrics for any business owner running a digital marketing campaign?
    CPA and LTV
    Website traffic
    Bounce rate and session duration
    Click-through rate (CTR) and impressions
  • Q8
    What does CPA stand for?
    Customer Lifetime Value
    Total ad spend
    Cost per Acquisition
    Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Q9
    What does LTV stand for?
    Customer Acquisition Cost
    Life time value
    Lifetime Customer Value
    Lead time value
  • Q10
    What are two ways to improve your CTR?
    Increase your ad spend
    Make your ad visually appealing
    Increase the number of times your ad is shown (impressions)
    Improve the relevance of your ad to the audience

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