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Distance Learning Syllabus Quiz

Quiz by Laura Ramos

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    What online platform will we use for our classroom?
    Google Classroom
    Achieve 3000
    Microsoft Teams
    Class Dojo
  • Q2
    When are all assignments due?
    At the end of the nine weeks
    Friday at 11:59 pm
    Saturday at 11:59 pm
    Everyday at 4 pm
  • Q3
    When are Ms. Ramos' office hours?
    Sundays only
    2-3 pm, Mon-Fri
    12-1 pm, Tuesdays
    8-9 am, Mon-Fri
  • Q4
    What do I need to do every school day?
    Log in to Teams and answer bellwork question by 3pm
    Email Ms. Ramos
    Video chat with my class and post it
    Log in to Teams multiple times and answer multiple questions
  • Q5
    How will I get help on Ms. Ramos' assignments if needed?
    Calling the school and asking for Ms. Ramos
    Calling or texting Ms. Ramos, emailing her, or using remind to contact.
    Going to Ms. Ramos' house
    Sending mail through the post office to Ms. Ramos

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