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Don't Feed the Phish: Trick Questions!

Quiz by Kaulana Dameg

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3 questions
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  • Q1
    Zack sees an online contest. He could win $10,000 instantly! On the sign-up form, he enters his name and email address. He is also asked to enter his nickname, the names of any pets, and his mom's maiden name. Should he do it?
    DON'T! Identity thieves use such "clues" to figure out people's passwords.
    DO IT. The questions are silly, but it's worth it to win $10,000!
  • Q2
    Lew gets a notice from Apple. Because of new security rules, he must submit his Social Security number (SSN) immediately or he'll lose all his photos. He knows where Mom keeps the SSN card. Should he do it?
    DO IT. It's an official notice from a company, and if he waits, he could lose everything.
    DON'T! Real companies don't do this. Thieves use such information to create false identities.
  • Q3
    Dana sees $200 wireless headphones on sale for just $5! She doesn't recognize the website. It only takes credit cards, not PayPal, and it asks for more detail than most sites do. She could use the credit card her parents gave her for emergencies. Should she do it?
    DO IT. So long as she pays her parents back right away, it should be all right.
    DON'T! Identity thieves can charge people's accounts for fake sales. Ask Mom or Dad first.

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