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Quiz by Australia Training

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11 questions
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  • Q1
    What is DPA designed to do?
    Ensures the protection of personal information
    Ensure personal information is widely available
    Ensures personal information is cheap to purchase
  • Q2
    If 1 Mandatory DPA is incorrect, how many additional questions are needed?
  • Q3
    A customer wants a TP to speak on their behalf, who needs to confirm DPA?
    Skip DPA
    Account Holder
    Third Party
    Team Leader
  • Q4
    If ongoing Third Party access is requested, what must we set up?
    Third Party name and postcode
    Third Party Photo
    Third Party name and password
    Third Party password
  • Q5
    If a Third Party cannot confirm DPA or password, what is the appropriate action?
    Transfer the call to Customer Support
    Terminate the call
    Continue with the call
    Transfer the call to a Team Leader
  • Q6
    DPA was confirmed but you found employer was incorrect, what is the most appropriate action?
    Take no action
    Update on file and record previous in the note
    Record previous in the note
    Update on file
  • Q7
    A customer calls in advising their name is Rach, but on file it is Rachael, what is the most appropriate action?
    Continue with the call
    Ask 2 more additional DPA questions
    Advise the customer their name on file is Rachael
    Reconfirm full name
  • Q8
    If unsure on any DPA answers always confirm the....
    Text style
    Application progress
  • Q9
    When closing down an account, what information is kept on file to prevent a DPA breach?
    Outstanding balance
    Online banking details
    Bank details
    Basic information
  • Q10
    What's one of the purposes of GDPR (2018)
    To give individuals outside of the EU more control
    To give the government more control over personal data
    To give control to individuals over their personal data
    To give more control businesses over personal data
  • Q11
    {....................} is when the customer requests all their information or data that we hold on them. This includes notes on their file, call recordings, and written documents.
    Subject Access Data Protection
    Data Subject Access Request
    General Data Access Request
    Data Request Access

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