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D.SAT 딥러닝 A2 0709

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    reserve (n.)
    to tell apart; to cause to stand out/구별하다, 눈에 띄게 하다.
    storage; stored amount/저장분
    the process of recognizing and interpreting sensory information/지각
    a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity/방법론
  • Q2
    temporize (v.)
    to surrender/항복하다
    very important, significant, all-changing; distinctive/가장 특징적인; 결정적인
    unnecessary, especially through being more than enough/불필요한
    to stall; to cause delay through indecision/임시로 시간을 벌다; 우물쭈물하다
  • Q3
    transit (n.)
    to suspend until another time/...을 연기하다, 미루다, 휴회하다
    careful in choosing or deciding/선택적인
    bold, shameless/뻔뻔한
    the carrying of people, goods, or materials from one place to another/이동
  • Q4
    compose (v.)
    to create or write (a piece of music, literature, etc.)/작곡하다
    to fill with love, fascinate, usually used in passive form followed by "of" or "with"/사랑에 빠지다, 마음을 사로잡다
    a meeting of the members of a political party or political faction; a political group whose members have common interests or goals/정당의 지방대회, 간부회의, 위원회
    a large number or variety/다양성
  • Q5
    reprehensible (adj.)
    total; unlimited; perfect/절대적인, 무제한의, 완벽한
    an act of scorning, mockery; or derision/조롱(하다)
    of or relating to color or color phenomena or sensations/색의
    very bad; deserving very strong criticism/비난할 만한
  • Q6
    dispondent (adj.)
    to make appear more important or significant/~를 부풀리다
    relating to abstract ideas/개념적인
    ambiguous, uncertain/애매한
    sad, depressed/낙담한
  • Q7
    meander (v.)
    fearless, adventurous/대담한
    expressing admiration or praise/칭찬의, 찬양의
    to increase very quickly/치솟다
    to travel along a winding or indirect route; to ramble or stray from the topic/꾸불꾸불 나아가다, 정처없이 걷다
  • Q8
    credence (n.)
    eliciting or possessing an extraordinary interest in sex/음란한, 색정적인
    extremely dry or lacking in interest/건조한
    a mystery, puzzling person or thing/수수께끼, 알 수 없는 것
    belief or acceptance as true or valid/신용
  • Q9
    symbiosis (n.)
    generous giving of gifts (or the gifts themselves) ; generosity ; philanthropy/증여, (아낌없이 주는) 선물
    to cause to arise; to cause to happen rapidly/~을 유도하다; ~을 (더 빠르게 일어나도록) 유도하다
    a mutually beneficial relationship between different organisms or groups/공생
  • Q10
    mien (old English) (n.)
    a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood./태도, 표정
    to prey upon; to plunder/약탈하다
    quality of doing something easily with little effort/노력없이 무언가를 잘하는 성질
    something added to complete or enhance something else/보충물
  • Q11
    constructive (adj.)
    serving a useful or positive purpose/건설적인
    to urge, goad/선동하다, 부추기다
    to weaken; to bring down; to harm/~을 손상하다, ~을 훼손하다, ~을 해치다
    speaking and behaving in a very serious manner due to a belief of self-superiority/거만한
  • Q12
    relish (v.)
    to enjoy or take pleasure in something/즐기다
    to pile up; to accumulate; to collect for one's own use/[재산]을 모으다, 축적하다, 쌓다
    not favorable or advantageous/불리한
    to strive/노력하다
  • Q13
    relevance (n.)
    sounds made through speech/발언, 말
    most favorable; best/최적의
    the quality of being closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand/관련성
    supposed or assumed true, but unproven/가설적인, 가정적인
  • Q14
    unpromising (adj.)
    fluent, persuasive speech/웅변, 유창함
    1. deeply religious 2. serious and sincere/독실한
    not giving hope of future success or good results/장래성 없는, 유망하지 못한
    an insinuation/빗겨말, 암시
  • Q15
    denizen (n.)
    a break, rest/일시적인 휴식
    retaliation; revenge; counterattack/보복, 앙갚음; [타국에 대한 보복 수단으로써의] 무력행사, 실력행사
    to rejoice/기뻐하다, 환희를 느끼다
    inhabitant/주민, 거주자

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