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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    pompous (adj.)
    displaying a lack of moral or legal restraints / 방탕한, 음란한
    feeling depressed, discouraged, hopeless / 낙담한, 실망한
    obtainable, reachable / 이용 가능한, 접근 가능한
    speaking and behaving in a very serious manner due to a belief of self-superiority / 거만한
  • Q2
    strenuous (adj.)
    excellent / 위대한
    relating to hearing or the sense of hearing / 청각의
    various or several / 여러 가지의
    1. vigorously active 2. requiring or showing great energy and effort / 1. 활발한 2. 분투적인
  • Q3
    vexing (adj.)
    characterized by sick sentimentality / 지루한, 촌스러운
    extremely annoying or displeasing / 짜증나게 하는
    friendly / 상냥한
    refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind / 요지부동의, 단호한
  • Q4
    ethics (n.)
    the work in which someone is employed / 직업, 삶의 목적
    moral standards governing behavior / 윤리, 도덕; 윤리학, 도덕론
    a tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged / 관성
    an a feeling of doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly / 주저하는 마음, 적극적이지 않게 하는 마음
  • Q5
    orthodox (adj.)
    united, well-integrated / 응집력 있는
    following a logical order or sequence / 연속적인
    accepted as true or correct by most people / 1. 정통의 2. 주류의
    worried and uneasy; ceaselessly in motion / 잠이 안 오는; 가만히 있지 못하는
  • Q6
    usurp (v.)
    to move away (or push off) from a position; to take the place of / ~를 (자리에서) 밀어내다; ~을 대체하다, 대신 들어서다
    to take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force / 찬탈하다
    to twist or weave together / 엮다, 얽히다
    to pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness / ~을 머뭇거리다, ~을 망설이다, ~을 주저하다
  • Q7
    requisite (adj.)
    necessary for a particular purpose / 필요한
    sickeningly sweet / 달달한, 지겹도록 달다
    involving or constituting a cause / 원인을 나타내는
    dissolute, extravagant / 낭비하는, 방탕한
  • Q8
    accede (v.)
    to have enough money or time for / ...할 여유가 있다.
    to spread throughout and be present in every part / 퍼지다
    to agree / 동의하다, 합의하다
    to moderate or lessen / ~을 누그러뜨리다
  • Q9
    annuity (n.)
    an annual allowance or income; the annual interest payment on an investment; any regular allowance or income / 연금, 연간 이자 수입
    a journey to a faraway place, usually by sea / (바다로) 여행하다
    a follower or supporter of something / 추종자
    leadership or dominance over others / 주도권, 지배력
  • Q10
    renounce (v.)
    to do something that is not allowed / 넘어서다
    to go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent / 지나치게 반복하다, 지나치게 강조하다
    to save something (such as a building, a ship, or cargo) that is in danger of being completely destroyed / 구조하다
    to formally give up / 포기하다
  • Q11
    intertwine (v.)
    to cease developing or progressing / 정체되다
    to make (someone) poor / 가난하게 하다
    to bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen) / 후회하다, 유감으로 여기다
    to twist or weave together / 엮다, 얽히다
  • Q12
    executive (adj.)
    likely to happen or be true / 있음직한
    having the function of carrying out plans or orders; in government, referring to branch headed by the President (carries out national business) / 행정을 실행하는; 대통령의
    indicating mild or amused puzzlement. / 괴상한, 의아한
    situated in front / 앞쪽에 위치한, 앞의
  • Q13
    deliberate (adj.)
    on purpose / 고의
    very cold / 차가운
    a charming in a rustic way; naturally peaceful / 전원시의, 목가적인, 한가로운
    shrewd, careful / 빈틈없는, 약삭빠른
  • Q14
    consonant (adj.)
    harmonious; in agreement / 일치하는, 조화하는; 자음
    relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect / 직감적인
    rural; rustic; peaceful and calm, like the country / 전원적인, 평화로운
    old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable; no longer in use / 쓸모없게 된
  • Q15
    exempt (adj.)
    planned or performed in cooperation / 합동의
    excused; not subject to / 면제하다, 면제된, 면제(세)자
    incorrect, mistaken / 잘못된
    socially proper, appropriate / 예의바른, 단정한

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