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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    grudging (adj.)
    doing, giving, saying in an unwilling or reluctant way / 마지못해 하는
    based on or in accordance with reason or logic / 합리적인
    behaving in a relaxed, confident, and pleasant way in social situations / 부드러운, 상냥한
    not very good at expressive (or perhaps incapacitated in that sense) / 말을 잘 못하는
  • Q2
    nefarious (old English) (adj.)
    extremely wicked, abhorrent / 악랄한
    impervious to external influence; airtight / 밀봉한, 밀폐한, 연금술의, 신비한, 연금술사
    wicked or criminal. / 악명 높은, 사악한
    not capable of being carried out or put into practice / 가능하지 않은, 실행할 수 없는
  • Q3
    ludicrous (adj.)
    being or producing something like nothing done, experienced, or created before / 혁신적인, 획기적인; 완전히 새로운
    very foolish / 우스꽝스러운
    able to dissolve / 녹는, 용해성의
    practical; related to practical rather than theoretical concerns / 실용적인
  • Q4
    holistic (adj.)
    extremely poor / 극빈한
    not fully decided or agreed upon yet / 잠정적인; 아직 100% 정해지지 않은
    large; extensive; having great volume / 부피가 크고 넓은; 많은; 큰, 다작의
    characterized by the understanding of the whole system / 전체론적인
  • Q5
    yawning (adj.)
    having or showing a wish to do evil to others / 악의적인
    characterized by an open mouth and a deep inhalation due to tiredness or boredom / 하품하는
    showing respect and esteem / 공손한, 존경의
    of vital importance; crucial / 필수적인
  • Q6
    monumental (adj.)
    of great importance, significance, or scale / 엄청난
    extremely poor / 극빈한
    tending to persuade by forcefulness of argument / 설득력있는, 끌리는
    having opposite extremes or characteristics / 극의
  • Q7
    obligatory (adj.)
    carrying a developing embryo or fetus / 1. 임신한 2. 임신한
    required by a law or rule / 필수의
    overjoyed, thrilled / 들뜬, 환희에 찬
    inactive (but usually capable of becoming active) / 잠재해 있는, 활동하지 않는
  • Q8
    subtract (v.)
    to be fond of; to be attached to / ~를 소중히 하다
    to travel across / ~을 가로질러 가다
    to think deeply about something. / 생각에 잠기다, 숙고하다
    to take (a number or amount) from another number or amount / 공제하다
  • Q9
    slake (v.)
    to free / 해방시키다
    1. to spend a lot of time with people 2. ruling monarch's wife or husband / 1. 어울리다 2. 배우자 (통치자의)
    to buy back; to fulfill; to make up for; to rescue from sin / 상환하다; 의무를 이행하다; 결점을 메우다; 죄악에서 구원하다
    to quench; to satisfy; to assuage / 1. [불을] 끄다 2. [욕망을] 채우다 3. 약화시키다
  • Q10
    frigid (adj.)
    very cold / 차가운
    providing emotional relief / 정신적 해방을 주는
    disastrous; desperate / 무시무시한, 무서운; 비참한; 급박한, 긴급한; 지독한
    frank; outspoken; going straight to the point / 1. 솔직한; 거리낌 없는; 문제를 빨리 해결하려는 2. 똑바로.
  • Q11
    hackneyed (adj.)
    present at birth; inherent; not learned / 고유의, 본질적인, 선천적인
    extremely unrefined; gross; stupid / 우둔한, 어리석은, 터무니없는
    having the ability to create or design new things / 창의적인
    lacking originality, overused / 진부한, 흔한 것
  • Q12
    neophyte (n.)
    beginner; novice / 초보자; 신참자
    a small amount or quantity / 소량
    the audience’s demand for a repeat performance; also the artist’s performance in response to that demand / 앙코르
    the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood / 맥락
  • Q13
    eminent (old English) (adj.)
    harsh; severe / 엄한, 호된
    causing disruption or annoyance by intruding / 참견적인
    (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession. / 저명한, 뛰어난
    formed or conceived beforehand / 선입견을 가진
  • Q14
    exquisite (adj.)
    delicately beautiful / 정교하게 아름다운
    assuming power or authority without justification / 거만한
    utter; unmitigated; very bad / 철저한; 형편없는
    not in proper or equal proportion / 불균형의
  • Q15
    expedient (old English) (adj.)
    badly behaved; deliberately causing harm or damage; naughtily or annoyingly playful / 짓궂은
    (of an action) convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral. / 유용하고 편리한 (그러나 주로 옳지 않은)
    not favorable or advantageous / 불리한
    of great importance or significance / 중대한

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