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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    chaste (adj.)
    preceding, preparatory, initial / 준비의, 준비 과정의
    pertaining to a city (or town) and its government / 자치도시의; 시의
    a fatherly; fatherlike / 아버지의, 아버지 같은
    pure and unadorned; abstaining from sex / [육체적으로] 순진한, 더럽혀지지 않은; 우아한, 순수한
  • Q2
    eligible (adj.)
    diverse, varied / 다양한
    able to be chosen for something / 자격 있는
    politely pleasant and friendly / 다정한
    requiring great effort / 힘든, 노력을 많이 요구하는
  • Q3
    disinterested (adj.)
    not clear enough to read / 읽기 어려운
    unaffected by self-interest / 사심없는, 공평한, 이해 관계 없는
    lacking skill or competence / 서투른
    supposed or assumed true, but unproven / 가설적인, 가정적인
  • Q4
    annihilate (v.)
    provide lodging or sufficient space for / 수용하다
    to cause to move forward with force; give an incentive for action / ~을 몰고 가다; ~를 (앞으로 가도록) 밀다
    to urge, spur, incite to action / 격려하다, 자극하다
    to destroy completely / 전멸시키다
  • Q5
    forecasting (n.)
    a statement made about the future / 예측, 예보
    a meeting of the members of a political party or political faction; a political group whose members have common interests or goals / 정당의 지방대회, 간부회의, 위원회
    standard; basis for judgment / 표준, 기준, 규범
    a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility. / 휴식, 안식
  • Q6
    variegated (adj.)
    not able to be captured by attack / 난공불락의
    showing reason or sound judgment / 합리적이고 올바른 판단을 하는
    diversified, distinctly marked / 다양한, 잡색의
    under the influence or control of ~ / ~에 종속된
  • Q7
    virulent (adj.)
    rough, strong, energetic / 강한, 힘이나 에너지가 넘치는
    man-made / 인공적인
    extremely poisonous; malignant; full of hate / 독이 있는; 악의가 있는; 심술궂은, 악성(유독성)의
    harsh; severe; cruel / (법률이) 엄격한, 가혹한
  • Q8
    preposterous (adj.)
    based on a mistaken belief / 잘못된, 허위의
    contrary to reason or common sense / 터무니없는
    1. loose 2. not strict enough / 1. 헐렁한 2. 느스한
    following one another / 연속의, 일렬로
  • Q9
    antediluvian (adj.)
    deserving blame or censure / 유죄의
    ancient / 홍수 이전의, 고대의
    relating to or based on inference / 추론적인
    worth of imitation; being a great example for something / 대단한, 모범적인
  • Q10
    tamper (v.)
    to change or modify, usually for a negative result / ~을 조작하다
    to remove or reduce, especially something painful or uncomfortable; to make ~ feel better (worry less) / ~(불편한 느낌, 고통 등)을 완화하다; ~를 안심시키다
    to make great efforts or work hard towards a goal or objective / 노력하다
    to enjoy thoroughly; to take delight in; to carouse / 향락하다, 흥청대다
  • Q11
    nascent (adj.)
    formidable / 경외할 만한, 강력한
    not being what it purports to be; false or fake. / 가짜의, 위조의
    just beginning to exist or develop / 초기의
    showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence / 소심한
  • Q12
    ubiquity (n.)
    an original model or pattern / 원형
    renounce or reject something / 자제, 거부
    something that is done to prevent possible harm or trouble from happening in the future / 예방책
    the state of being widespread or ever-present / 어디에나 존재함
  • Q13
    dispersion (n.)
    the act of scattering or spreading out / 분산, 확산
    a powerful storm; turmoil / (물의) 엄청난 소용돌이; 대혼란
    the action of keeping something under control or within limits / 억제
    slow growth in size or amount / 증가, 증식
  • Q14
    mitigate (v.)
    to move through a place while searching for something / 배회하다
    to praise, glorify, or honor / ~을 칭찬하다, ~을 격찬하다
    to make less severe, serious, or painful / 완화하다
    to keep tabs on; to keep under surveillance / ~을 지켜보다, ~을 관찰하다
  • Q15
    offspring (n.)
    an appearance or action intended to deceive / 가식, 위장
    bitter verbal attack / 비난, 격렬한 비판
    the baby of an organism / (동물의) 새끼
    a sermon / 설교

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